Understanding Auto GPS Expense Voucher

An auto gps expense voucher is the voucher that is auto generated in the ERP through Google Maps integration. This captures the entire commute of the employee i.e. to and fro and not just the distance they travel for the service call.


Settings and Preferences

There are three things that should be checked for making full utilization of the Expense Voucher.

Enabling Mileage Expense Voucher

Setting the Approval System for Expense Voucher

User Permission

Google Map Integration


Enabling Mileage Expense Voucher

Navigate to Left Menu > Settings 

New Page will appear and now navigate to Masters > Finance

Click on the Mileage Expense Voucher option from the options present in the top bar.

Check the Enable/ Disable checkbox.

This will show the mileage (distance in miles or kms).

You can also change the Cost Per Unit here depending on various factors like mode of transport etc.


Setting the Approval System for Expense Voucher

Navigate to Left Menu > Settings 

New Page will appear and now navigate to Masters > Task

Under the Task Settings, you can add the 2nd Approver as desired. You can make multiple entries also.

Save the changes.

Note: The 1st Approver will always be according to the hierarchy i.e. the employee’s Reporting Manager.

Once the approval is done as per the approval setting, this expense is added in the account ledger of the employee and once the accounts make the payment to them, it is reconciled.


User Permission

Navigate to Left Menu > Settings 

New Page will appear and now navigate to Users and Roles

Select the employee for which you need to grant the permissions.

Scroll to the Action dropdown menu and select the Edit option.

Click on the Permission option. 

Under the Expense Voucher option, enable radio buttons Expense Voucher and Manage auto GPS Voucher.

Click on Save.


Google Map Integration

To make Auto GPS Expense Voucher for Service Tickets functional, Google Key should be configured to the ERP. Google Key can be generated by integrating Google Map with the ERP


Creating an Auto GPS Tickets Expense Voucher 

Auto GPS Tickets Expense Vouchers are generated automatically once the field service engineer manage the service calls from their Technician Mobile Apps.


Download / Print Expense Voucher

Navigate to Left Menu > Finance > Expense Voucher.

Locate the Expense Voucher in the expense voucher list.

Click on the Download option from the Top bar.


View/ Print Expense Voucher

Navigate to Left Menu > Finance > Expense Voucher.

Locate the Expense Voucher in the expense voucher list.

Select the View/ Print option from the Action dropdown menu.

It will show up the expense voucher which you can:

  1. Email
  2. Download
  3. Print

Note: The employee can add an Expense Voucher Via Technician Mobile Apps also.


Approval of Expense Voucher

In Expense Voucher, there are two users who need to give the approval of the expense voucher before the accounts department makes the expense voucher payment.

These users will be configured by following the Approval System Rules.

Approver can see all the voucher they have to approve in their login on the Expense Voucher Listing Page

Once both approval is done, the voucher goes to the account department for making the payment.


Payment of Expense Voucher

Account department can make the payment only once the approval is done as per the  Expense Voucher Approval Rules.

They can see all the Approved Expense Voucher at Left Menu > Finance > Payment > Pending Payment


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