Understanding Service Ticket Management

Service ticket management refers to the process of handling customer inquiries, requests, or issues through a structured system of tickets or cases. This process is commonly used in customer service, technical support, IT help desks, and various other industries where customer interaction and issue resolution are essential.


Service Ticket Management


Service Ticket Management involves various activities related to service tickets.

RCA – Remote Call Assistance – Provide ticket resolution.

Add Machine – Inside the ticket you add a new Machine serial number to replace the existing Machine.

Add Counter/Report – Add Machine Counter and Service Report.

Upload Report – Upload Service Report.

Stop Timer – Service ticket adds Stop Timer to avoid breach of SLA.

Request Spare Part – If any spare requires, Request Spare part for service ticket.

Challan – Create Outward challan from service ticket.

Quotation – Create Quotation from service ticket.

Purchase Order – Create Purchase Order from service ticket.

Follow-up – Service tickets need follow-up with a client or team member using this status.

Assigned – Service ticket who will work on this ticket call as assigned service ticket.

Change Status – Service ticket change status from this field drop-down option like – solved, Closed.


Process of Service Ticket

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service.

You will land on a page listing all open service tickets.

Create Service ticket displayed under the Open Service Listing Page.

Initial, do RCA in Service ticket > Fail > Assign to Engineer.

The engineer will handle the ticket through their mobile device.

The engineer can mark the ticket as either Resolved or “Not Resolved.”

Not Resolved Status:

If the ticket remains unresolved, determine the cause:

  • Self: The user lacks the technical knowledge to resolve the issue.
  • Spare Part: A spare part is needed to resolve the issue.
  • Client: The client’s cooperation or action is required to resolve the issue.


Importing ASP Service Ticket 

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Bulk Upload

You will lands in Bulk upload your CSV Files for your ASP Customer

ASP Customer “Associate Service Provider.”

On Top Right Menu navigate to Three Dot Icon > Import Customers.

Read Instructions and Click Download Sample File ( CSV. ) for your reference by clicking sample file.

Ensure that all the fields are mapped and  filled correctly while adding ticket details.

Now go to the choose file Click on verify file and select the file to be imported. 

Click on Save.

All your tickets are imported in your AntMyERP to transact.

Note: You can upload 500 numbers of tickets at a time in one CSV File.. Only CSV. file is supported


Exporting / Downloading Open Tickets

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service.

You will land on a page listing all open service tickets.

Now go to the Top Right Menu navigate to Download and Excel.

All your open service tickets data will be downloaded.

All your open tickets are Exported from your AntMyERP to CSV. file

Note : Export / download can be done only by the users who have the permission from admin.

Your default Customer Listing Column View is now available whenever you will go to this page. You can Edit the same by following the same above process.

Note : If you are the administrator, you can define custom column view of this page and even the user can make the changes as per their requirements

Permission: This feature is user permission defined. If you have permission, you can use this or else ask the administrator of your office to activate the permission for you.


Settings and Preferences for Customer 

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service.

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Now go to the Top Right Menu  navigate to Three Dot Icon > Settings.

Select the Settings you want to Enable.

Click on Updates.


View Open Service Tickets

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service.

You will land on a page listing all open service tickets.

Locate the customer Open Service ticket list with the help of Live Search and click on the ticket number from the listing to View ticket.

If you want to make any changes to this ticket, click on the add comments.


Canceled Service Ticket

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service.

You will land on a page listing all open service tickets.

Locate the customer Open Service ticket list with the help of Live Search and click on the ticket number from the listing to View ticket.

Here,you are not able to delete tickets but you can mark as cancel ticket status.


Creating Service ticket from Instant Service 

Navigate to Centre upwards > Quick Add > Service Ticket.

You will land in the creation service ticket form.

Footer click on button Instant service add machine serial number which you want to create ticket.

Auto-fill the necessary information in ticket form like Customer name,person name add other  details and click Save.

Here, service tickets are created with only machine serial number data.

Productivity Tool: You can add Service Ticket from the Instant Service directly.


Service Ticket Management Reports

Service ticket management reports provide valuable insights into the performance, trends, and efficiency of the ticketing system and service operations. Here are some common types of service ticket management reports.

Open Service Report

Total Service Report

Nutshell Report

Technician Report

Preventive Maintenance Report

RCA Report 

Graphical Report


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