Understanding Logistics Vendor

For any organization dealing in big business, logistics management is very necessary. AntMyERP helps you to maintain the records of all the logistic companies you deal with.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give logistics and supply Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Enable the permissions Manage Logistics Company List, Manage Logistics Company Create, Manage Logistics Company Edit, Manage Logistics Company Delete, and Manage Logistic.

Click on Save.


Creating a Logistics Vendor

Navigate to Left Menu > Operation > Logistics.

Click on the plus button on the top right hand corner.

The logistics vendor form will open. Fill in all the mandatory details. 

Note: You can also bulk upload by using the Import file feature. Refer to the Bulk Import help doc for reference.

Click on Save & Exit.

Note: During a delivery process, you can select the name of the logistic company.

Note: Whenever we create a challan (inward or outward) or in a delivery register, when we select the option “Courier”, there comes a field where we need to add the Logistic company’s details.


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