Understanding Vendor and Client portal

The Customer Portal in AntMyERP serves as a valuable tool to enhance customer interaction and self-service capabilities. It provides a secure and dedicated space for your customers to access important information and manage various aspects of their transactions. 


Activate the Customer Portal

Navigate to the left menu > Settings.

Click on User & Roles

Here, all the customers, vendors, and employees created in the system are seen.

You can search the customer Name, email,Group, and status wise.  

To activate a customer, Go to the  Active button, Click on edit.

A form will open. 

Set a password and Click on the Active button. Select the group of customers as clients. 

Click Save. 


Note: The customer is activated. Now, the email and password can be given to the customer and they can log in. The customer can login through the portal.


When the customer is logged in,

To Check their online status,

 Go to the Action button, Click on Auto-login.

The customer’s name can be seen along with the four tabs (dashboard, ticket, service report and device.) 


Left Menu Details

We can view the following details in the left menu of Client portal:

  • Dashboard: Space for the different kinds of visual data in one place
  • Tickets: Tickets for the Vendor and tickets for the organization will be visible.
  • Device: The details of all the devices with the organization will be displayed.
  • Mapped Device: The devices mapped from the service provider will be displayed here.
  • Service Report: The uploaded and pending service ticket report will be displayed here.


Create a Service ticket in a Client Portal

Log in with your user ID and Password

Once Logged in, A dashboard is seen where the number of devices in the contract, how many tickets are logged and how much invoice is pending are all visible. 

To create a Service ticket, Click on Ticket on the right hand side

Click on the Plus sign on the right hand side, and from the drop down menu, Select Service.

The Service form will open.

Enter the Branch. Fill in all the parameters. 

Click Save.  

Note: The call will be visible on the portal when the customer logs in. The status of the call is also checked and tracked. 


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Vendor Portal 
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