Understanding Vendor Contact

A vendor contact refers to the communication or interaction between a business or organization and a vendor, which is a company or individual that provides goods or services to the business. This contact may involve various aspects of the business relationship, including inquiries, negotiations, agreements, orders, deliveries, payments, and ongoing support or maintenance.


Adding a Vendor Contact

Adding a Vendor Contact in AntMyERP is easy! You just need to put their important info into one place. You can add any number of Vendor Contacts in AntMyERP. Here’s what you do.

You can add Vendor Contact in two ways

Creating Vendor Contact from the Vendor Listing page

Importing Vendor Contact


Creating Vendor Contact from Listing Page

Navigate to Left Menu > Purchase > Vendor 

You will land on the Vendor Listing Page

Locate the Vendor in the Vendor list and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the Vendor whose Contact you want to add by clicking Edit.

You will land  on that Vendor‘s Basic page

Click on Contacts

 Click the + Icon button on the top right corner of the page.

Enter all mandatory fields along with all the details of your Vendor Contact person

After entering all the details, click Save.

Please Note. Fields  marked with Red are mandatory and has to be Filled


Importing Vendor Contacts

Navigate to Left Menu > Purchase > Vendor 

You will land on Vendor ‘s  Listing Page

Locate the Vendor in the Vendor list and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the Vendor whose Contact you want to Import by clicking Edit.

You will land on that Vendor’s Basic page.

Click on Contacts

On the Top Right Menu navigate to Three Dot Icon > Import Contacts.

Read Instructions and Click Download Sample File  for your reference by clicking sample file.

Ensure that all the fields are mapped and filled correctly while adding your Vendor ‘s contact details.

Now go to the Top Right Menu and navigate to Three Dot Icon > Import Contact

Click on Arrow and select the file to be imported.

If all the data mentioned in the file is proper it will take 5 seconds to upload the data.

The Vendors’ contacts are imported in your AntMyERP to start the  transactions.

Note: You can upload 50 Contact details at a time


Exporting Vendor Contacts

Please note: that you cannot export the Vendor contact information in Excel or any format from AntMyERP


Editing Vendor Contact

Navigate to Left Menu > Vendor > Vendor Listing Page > Select Vendor > Edit

You will land on Vendor’s Basic Page.

Click on Contacts

Locate the Contact in the Contact list with the help of Live Search and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. 

Alternatively you can Right Click on the Vendor whom you want to Edit.

Make the necessary changes to the Vendor details.

Save the updated information.


Managing Vendors Contact: Active and Inactive

Please note you cannot delete  contact as it is already added  in Users. You can inactive that contact

Navigate to Left Menu > Vendor > Vendor Listing Page > Select Vendor > Edit

You will land on Vendor’s Basic Page.

Click on Contacts

Locate the Contact in the Contact list with the help of Search and click on the Inactive option from the Action dropdown menu. 

Alternatively you can Right Click on the Vendor whom you want to Inactive.

This Contact will now move from Contacts to Past contact

Once a Vendor Contact is inactive, it will not reflect while making a new Purchase order or assigning the Service calls.

You can active this vendor contact again by going to past Contact Tab.

Past contact which show the list of Past employees of this vendor.

Click  ‘Reactive.’  from Action dropdown menu.Then you can start transacting with them as usual


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