Getting Started Overview

by Mehek



Welcome to AntMyERP

AntMyERP is a cloud-based solution designed for service providers. Created and managed by professionals from the sales and service industries, it covers all your specific needs, including field service management, contract management, rental management, managed print services, and asset management. Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered!


Accessing AntMyERP

You can start with the free demo for 15 days for a trial run before you invest in us. The free version of AntMyERP contains all the features of a live premium plan. If you are a registered user, then you can directly log into our ERP.


Importing your Customer, Vendor, Product and Stock

Crucial imports to start your AntMyERP Applications are





You can easily import them into our system with our sample download functionality.

With AntMyERP you can perform the following transactions.


Purchase Transaction

You can create different purchase transactions for your vendors, like

Vendor Management

Purchase Order Management

Purchase Requisition


Sales Transaction

You can create different sales transactions for your customers, like:

Lead Management

Tender Management



Service Transaction

You can manage service transactions related to the field engineers. Some of them are:

Service Ticket Management

Mobile Apps

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)


HR Transaction

Your HR team can collaborate and take care of the well-being of your employees through some HR transactions like:

Leave Management 

Payroll Management

Overtime Management


Supply Management

You can manage all the logistic-related things with some of the following features:

Logistics Vendor

Outward Delivery Notes

Good Receipt Note (GRN)


Assets Management

Manage all your company assets with some of the following features:

Active Device

Warranty Management

Care Pack  Management


Inventory Management

Manage all the spare parts along with the bigger devices. You can use some of the following features:

Product Bundling

Stock Adjustment

Stock Transfer


Finance Management

Manage your finances with the following features:

Purchase Management 

Payment Management

Receipt Management


Task Management

You can now manage the tasks using some of the following features:

General Task Management

RMA Tickets

Service Ticket Management

Apart from these modules, we have the following utilities which make the life of the user easy


Approval Management

Some transactions, like expenses, quotations, sales orders, and purchase orders, need one or more levels of approval. You can decide which users need approval permissions and proceed accordingly.



The timesheet is synced to service tickets, meetings, log time and other internal activities or service transactions.

Learn More.


Document Management

The Document feature in AntMyERP can be considered as a personal drive space for all your documents. You can upload and share documents with this feature. Learn More. 


Portal for all stakeholders

We provide portals/ access to the users depending on their needs. They are:

Employee Portal- Your employees can access their details through this portal.

Customer Portal- You can enter customer details and other sales transactions through this portal.

Vendor Portal- You can enter your vendor details and purchase transactions through this portal.



AntMyERP is already integrated with many third-party applications like

Google Map




India Mart


Learn More about Integrations



All modules come with many in-depth reports. In case you wish to know in detail about a specific report, please get in touch with our support team.

Learn more about the different types of reports.



The dashboard provides you a bird’s eye view of all that a management will ever need.

Learn more about Dashboard.



Our system is designed so that our developers can easily customize it to meet your needs. If you need any ERP customizations, please contact our support team.


Contact Us

Email [email protected]   Mobile  +919223163711

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by Mehek



Understanding E-Invoice Integration 

The introduction of the e-invoice feature in AntMyERP enhances cash flow by seamlessly syncing transactions with your GST portal. This integration improves data reconciliation, minimizes errors through automated entries, and provides additional benefits for tax returns, ensuring all transactions are accurately registered with the government.


Adding E-invoice Details

Navigate to the Left Menu > Settings > Finance.

Click on Branches Tab and check if the Multi Branch option is “ON”.

Select Branch. Click on Action> Edit option.

Under the Update Settings window, check the E-invoice checkbox.

Click on Update. 

Once you check the box, enter the details in all the fields that appear. 

Click on the Get Auth Token.

Click on Update.


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 Trade India

Trade India

by Mehek



Understanding Trade India Integration 

In business, efficient lead management is vital. If you utilize TradeIndia for your website, you can effortlessly integrate and synchronize the leads with AntMyERP, streamlining your workflow. This integration not only saves time and reduces errors but also enhances your overall business productivity.


Adding Trade India Details

Navigate to the Left Menu > Settings > Integrations.

Click on the Trade India tab.

Enter the Trade India User ID, Trade India Profile ID, Trade India API Key

Click on Update.


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by Mehek



Understanding IndiaMart Integration 

When it comes to business, effective lead management is essential. If you use IndiaMart for your website, you can seamlessly integrate and sync the leads generated there with AntMyERP. This integration eliminates the need for manual double entries, saving you time and minimizing errors.


Adding IndiaMart Details

Navigate to the Left Menu > Settings > Integrations.

Click on the IndiaMart tab.

Enter the IndiaMart API key.

Click on Update.


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Trade India

WordPress Websites For Leads

by Mehek



Understanding WordPress Websites for Leads Integration 

Lead Management is crucial for any business. So, in case you use WordPress for your website, you can directly sync the leads generated there to AntMyERP. You can save the hassle for doing double entries. It saves time and reduces error.


Adding Website Details

Navigate to the Left Menu > Settings > Integrations.

You will be able to view the Website tab. However, to start using this integration, you will need to contact our support team.


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by Mehek



Understanding Autodesk Integration 

Our integration acts as a link, keeping your information up to date regardless of where it originates from. Our clients can use this API Integration to reduce errors, address data conflicts and increase overall data correctness. It is designed specifically to address data discrepancies between our ERP system and our client’s data. 



Navigate to Settings > User and Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Autodesk Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable the Manage Autodesk Setting permission.

Click on Save.


Adding Autodesk Details

Navigate to the Left Menu > Settings > Integrations.

Click on the Autodesk tab.

Enter the API url, client ID, client secret. These are the mandatory fields.

Enter the other details, if required.

Click on Save.


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 Google Map

Time sheets Overview

by Arvind



Understanding Time Sheets

A timesheet in software is like a digital clock where you record how much time you spend working on different tasks or projects. It helps you keep track of your work hours and can be used by businesses to pay employees or bill clients accurately.


Adding a Timesheet from the creation page

Navigate to the Bottom Menu > Timesheets.

Click the + Icon button on the top right corner of the page.

Enter all fields as applicable along with all the details of your Time Sheet

After entering all the details, click Save or Save & Exit


Exporting Timesheet 

Navigate to Left Menu > Timesheet 

You will land on the Time Sheet Listing Page

Filter from the LIVE Search / Filter. Now you have filtered data which needs to be exported 

Now go to the Top Right Menu and navigate to Export Timesheets (Down Arrow) 

All your Time Sheets data will be exported as per the Search or Filter

All your Timesheets are Exported from your AntMyERP to Export. file

Note: Export can be done only by the users with permission from the admin.


View Time Sheets

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Timesheet 

You will land in Time Sheet Listing Page

Locate the Employee in the Time Sheet list and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can Right Click on the Time Sheet that you want to View.


Editing Time Sheets

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Timesheet 

You will land in Time Sheet Listing Page

Locate the Time Sheet in the Time Sheet list and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively, you can Right Click on the Time Sheet that you want to Edit.

Make the necessary changes to the TimeSheet details.

Save the updated information.


Deleting Time Sheets

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Timesheet 

You will land in Time Sheet Listing Page

Locate the Time Sheet in the Time Sheet list and click on the Delete option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the TimeSheet whom you want to Delete.

Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Note: If a specific Time Sheet is deleted, it cannot be recovered.


Auto Fill of Time sheet from the user transaction


Service Ticket 

Service ticket which is executed via technician mobile app timesheet will automatically capture the log data of the Assignee. Even a timesheet will capture the time for Remote Call Assistance.


Lead ticket where the remarks are marked in the log time, timesheet will automatically capture the log data of the Assignee


For meetings that are created in the Meeting tab, the timesheet will automatically capture the log data of the Organizer.


Associates and Partner Management

by Mehek



Understanding Associates

If you work with dealers or partners and need to easily see who’s managing which customers or who’s providing you with customer leads, our Associates functionality (Partner Management) solution is what you need.

You can easily see which dealers or partners are managing which customers, or which customers are managed by which dealers or partners.


Settings and Preferences for Associates

You need to enable the Partner Management if you want to use the Associates functionality in AntMyERP.

Navigate to Left Menu > Setting. 

Now go to the Left Menu navigate to Third Menu > Sales

Click on Sales Menu

Select the Partner Management for enable.

Click on Updates.


Add, View, Edit and Delete of Associates 

Please note that Add, View , Edit and Delete functions of associates are exactly the same for Customers.


Mapping Associate with the Customer

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list with the help of Live Search and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. 

Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to Edit.

Add the associate name whom you want to map with this customer from the dropdown.

After entering all the details, click Save.


View which customer is mapped with which Associate.

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to View customer associate.

If you want to make any changes to this customer associate, click on the Edit icon.

Go to the Associates Tab and you can see which associate is mapped with this customer.


View which associates manage how many customers.

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to View customer associate.

If you want to make any changes to this customer associate, click on the Edit icon.

Go to the Associates Tab and you can see which customers  are mapped with these associates.


Remove Customers Associate

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will land in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer associate  in the customer list and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer associate whom you want to remove. Associate field remove company name

Click on Save.


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 Customer Contacts


by Arvind



Understanding Announcement

The Announcement feature in AntMyERP is a feature that allows the organisation to make an announcement internally.

Here are some common examples of announcements:


Announcements can be made for various events.
  • For instance, if your company receives an award, they might want to share this news with all users.
  • Similarly, if your company is organising events, they’ll want everyone to be aware of them.
  • Announcements can also be used to celebrate employee birthdays.



Announcements can be created only by the users who have the permission to do so. To provide the permissions, go to User & Permissions


Creating Announcement

Navigate to the left menu> HR> Team/ My HR/ Reports.

On the top bar that appears, click on the three dots.

Select the option Internal Announcement from the dropdown list that appears.

Click on the plus button.

A pop up window will appear. Enter the desired details.

Click on Save and Create.


Viewing Announcement

An announcement is visible as pop up to all the users logging into ERP after 11 seconds of its creation.

The other way to view Announcement is by navigating to the bottom menu> Announcement icon. A window will pop up with the announcement.


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What’s New

by Arvind



Understanding What’s New

The What’s New feature in AntMyERP is a list of updates that have occurred in ERP.



There is no permission required to use the What’s New feature. It is visible to all the users of AntMyERP


Viewing What’s New

When we add something new to the What’s New section, users will see it as soon as they log into the ERP system. It will show up as a pop-up notification.

The other way to view What’s New is by navigating to the bottom menu> What’s New icon. A window will pop up with all the latest updates.


Note: The users get to know what new features have been added and on which date. In case they wish to know more about it, they can always get in touch with the support team.


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