Understanding Approval System

Your employees can make transactions and send them for approval after you set up transaction approvals for your business. The person who has approval access can check the transactions and make changes before they are approved. The automated approval system keeps any mistakes from happening in the transactions.

AntMyERP comes with built-in Approval Management Systems that make it easy for you to handle various transaction approval processes and Approval workflows, such as approving quotations, leave requests, purchase orders, Expense vouchers, and sales orders.



Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales

The sales order Index will open.

Click on three dots, Click on Sales Settings > Sales Order

Under Sales Preferences settings, 

Turn on the Enable Sales Order Approval System

Click on Update.


Set the Approval Process for Sales order

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales

The sales order Index will open.

Click on three dots, Click on Sales Settings > Sales Authorization Order

Under Sales Order Approval Preference, The sales order is seen business wise. 

Select the Number of employees that are needed to keep authorization here.

Next, Select Any if any one employee is enough for approval. Then, Select the number of approvals needed

and click Update.

Under the sales option, select Authorization Pending. 

Note : All the sale orders that are yet to be approved are seen here. 

To give approval, go to the action Parameter and the approve or reject option will be visible. 

Once approved, it will be visible in the Sales order (pending) so that the execution team can approve it. 


Set the Approval Process for purchase Order

Navigate to the left menu > Purchase > Purchase Order

The Purchase Order Index will open.

Click on three dots, Click on Purchase Settings > PO Authorization

Under Purchase Order Approval Preference, The sales order is seen business wise

Select the Number of employees that are needed to keep authorization here.

Next, Select Any if any one employee is enough for approval. Then, Select the number of approvals needed

Then, Click on PO to see authorization and if any PO has been made. 

Under this, you can view, accept, or reject options for the pending approval.

This way, the authorization of PO can be turned on. 



Navigate to the left menu > Purchase > Purchase Order

The Purchase Order Index will open.

Click on three dots, Click on Purchase Settings 

Under Purchase Preferences settings, 

Turn on the Enable Purchase Order Approval System

Click on Update.


Set Approval Process for Spare Parts 

Navigate to the left menu >Service > Request spare 

The Service spare part Index will open.

Click on Spare parts, and Select Spare part pending

Note: here, you can see how many spare parts requests have come in that are yet to be approved. 

Click on the Action button to Approve or Reject.

A pop up will appear when you select reject. Here, give a reason for rejecting a spare part. Click Save. 

If you approve it, a pop up will come and you can select whether it’s chargeable or Non- Chargeable. 


Set Approval Process for Leave 

Navigate to the Left menu > HR > My HR

Click on Leave tab and select Leave Status 

The status of the leave will be seen here. 

From the Select option, Give Approval or reject from here. 


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