Understanding E-invoice

E-invoice is a list of goods and services provided, with a statement of the amount to be paid for the same. It is an electronic bill which shows the amount due to be paid by the customer or the company.

E-invoices in ERP are generated automatically (Auto Invoice) or are created manually by the company (Manual Invoice). Bills generated are therefore shown as Auto or Manual under the Invoice Generated column. There are three sub modules under Invoice Module.



Navigate to Settings > Masters > Finance

Under the Finance setting,

Open Branch 

Here, decide the branch from which the E-invoice needs to be generated. 

Click on the Edit option and Turn on the E-Invoice Facility. 

After clicking, Fill in the below field related to E- Invoice. 

Click on the Get Authorization token popping on the right side. 

Click on Update.


Making an e-invoice

Navigate to the left menu > Finance > Invoice

Open Invoice

Click on the Add Invoice icon next to the Search Icon on the top right side of the page.

Select the Option according to the business and if the Bill Generation was chosen as before or after the sale/service is done.

If Sales Before is selected, enter the date in the pop up page and click Generate Invoice.

All the bills generated for that date will be shown. 

This will be reflected in the Accepted tab.

Click on the View under the Action column to check the bill.

If there are no errors found then click on the Accept button under the Change status 

Column or the Accept button on the top right side in the Bill.

Go to the Action button and click Generate E-Invoice 

If all the data entered is proper, the E-invoice will be generated. 

If the Delete Permanently button is clicked the invoice number will not be generated and the bill needs to be created manually once again. 

  • If an error is found in the bill then click on the Delete and Regenerate button under the Action column and click Yes in the Pop up page.
  • The process of changing the particulars of Sales Proposal where needed is done. Convert this to contrat.
  • Click on Sales before under the Generate Invoice button in the Sales Invoice page.
  • Enter the day’s date click on generate Invoice.
  • Click on Accept under the Change status. This will be reflected under the Accepted tab.



  • The bills under Unit sales will be shown as Sales category instead of being indicted as Unit under the Invoice Type column.
  • The Pending tab shows bills under the Unit, Visit and Rental businesses. MPS Pending bills have a separate tab for its bills
  • The Visit Bill is generated the next day after the call is logged and closed. The call should be logged through the mobile app only.
  • If the Generate Invoice is chosen as After for any of the businesses then the date for Bill generation must be chosen a month after the Bill effective date.
  • The AMC bill effective date is entered in the contract where all the product details are recorded. The Bills are generated before or after depending on this date.


The Options under the Action button can do the following:

  • Edit Invoice: If the date, invoice or PO number need to be changed; change any of the particulars and click on Update.
  • View: If the Invoice needs to be viewed for checking.
  • Print: To print the invoice for internal or external use.
  • Upload: This is used to upload any bill or supporting document along with the invoice.
  • Upload PDF: If the above documents mentioned need to be uploaded in PDF format only.
  • Delete and Regenerate: To recreate a bill if there are any mistakes in the Amount or taxes.
  • Classic View: if the line items in the invoice need to be displayed as comma separated items instead of a list.
  • Generate E-Invoice: To create an E-invoice into the system. 


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Manual Invoices
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