Understanding Associates

If you work with dealers or partners and need to easily see who’s managing which customers or who’s providing you with customer leads, our Associates functionality (Partner Management) solution is what you need.

You can easily see which dealers or partners are managing which customers, or which customers are managed by which dealers or partners.


Settings and Preferences for Associates

You need to enable the Partner Management if you want to use the Associates functionality in AntMyERP.

Navigate to Left Menu > Setting. 

Now go to the Left Menu navigate to Third Menu > Sales

Click on Sales Menu

Select the Partner Management for enable.

Click on Updates.


Add, View, Edit and Delete of Associates 

Please note that Add, View , Edit and Delete functions of associates are exactly the same for Customers.


Mapping Associate with the Customer

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list with the help of Live Search and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. 

Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to Edit.

Add the associate name whom you want to map with this customer from the dropdown.

After entering all the details, click Save.


View which customer is mapped with which Associate.

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to View customer associate.

If you want to make any changes to this customer associate, click on the Edit icon.

Go to the Associates Tab and you can see which associate is mapped with this customer.


View which associates manage how many customers.

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will lands in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer in the customer list and click on the View option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer whom you want to View customer associate.

If you want to make any changes to this customer associate, click on the Edit icon.

Go to the Associates Tab and you can see which customers  are mapped with these associates.


Remove Customers Associate

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Customer 

You will land in Customer Listing Page

Locate the customer associate  in the customer list and click on the Edit option from the Action dropdown menu. Alternatively you can Right Click on the customer associate whom you want to remove. Associate field remove company name

Click on Save.


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