Understanding Securities
The data of any organization is of prime importance. There are ways in which AntMyERP helps you with system privacy with its security settings. This also allows you to give limited access to the people you wish to.
Configuring Privacy Settings
To setup privacy settings,
Navigate to the left menu > Settings > Security.
Under the Security Settings, you will see two tabs
Security Settings
This tab has five checkboxes which you can check and enter details according to your needs. The checkboxes are:
Restrict Login By IP Address
By checking this box and entering the IP address of the machine, only that machine will be allowed to access the ERP. You can enter multiple IP addresses by separating them with a comma (,).
Restrict Login By PC
When you check this box, two fields will appear which are,
Approve Product Mail
Here you need to enter the Approve Product Mail where you need to enter the approver’s email address.
Exclude Employee
You can add the name of the person(s), who can bypass this restriction.
2 Ways Verification
By checking this box, you can set up two factor authentication by choosing the radio button either for email or Mobile.
Password Strength
By checking this box, you can set up a strong password which would be difficult to guess.
Multi Login to User
By checking this box, you can give a single user ac to multiple logins.
After checking the required boxes, click on Update.
PC Based Security Register
This tab shows the details of the employee’s name, email address, status and approved date of the product. There is an Action button where you can edit the details.