AntMyERP SLA - Elevate Business Performance with Our Software

Service Level Agreement ( SLA )

by Arvind



A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and a client that describes the quality and level of service that will be provided. It spells out the services, performance standards, response times, and ways to solve problems. The goal of a SLA is to make sure that both parties have a clear idea of how the service will be delivered and what their responsibilities and expectations are.

This image depicts a remote call assistant providing breakdown maintenance support.

Remote Call Assistant ( RCA )

by Arvind



Remote Call Assistant is a piece of software or an application that lets a support agent or technician access and control a customer’s device from a distance to fix technical problems. It lets the support agent and the customer talk and works together in real-time to solve technical problems quickly and easily, without having to meet in person or give complicated explanations over the phone. Remote Call assistants can be used in many fields, including IT support, customer service, healthcare, and more.

AntMyERP offers expert Annual Maintenance Contract services to keep your systems running smoothly

Annual Maintenance Contract ( AMC )

by Vimal



It is an agreement between a service provider and a customer to make sure that the product or equipment they bought gets regular maintenance and help. The AMC usually covers regular maintenance, repairs, and part replacements for a set amount of time, usually a year, with the option to renew the contract for another year. The goal of AMC is to make sure that the equipment works well and lasts as long as possible, to cut down on downtime, and to give the customer peace of mind.

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