Customer Testimonials

AntMyERP is trusted by over 200+ businesses worldwide.

Discover what some of our customers have to say about our platform.

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Can Copier

The CRM service provided by AntMyERP has transformed our company’s operations completely. Our team found the platform user-friendly, and the setup procedure was simple and quick. We are able to manage  everything from contact management to sales and customer service automation. They also fulfilled our specific needs by adding an e-invoice feature. Our team’s productivity has increased by 60% due to the customized workflow automation and time-saving automation capabilities.  We highly recommend implementing AntMyERP as a system to any organization evaluating solutions to simplify its operations and the wonderful support they provide.

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Mr. Deepak Kumar
General Manager - Operations

Our organization has been using an Employee attendance,  robust and feature-rich system for several months, transforming how we manage employee attendance.

From the initial implementation to ongoing support, AntmyERP has shown a high level of professionalism and commitment to ensuring the success of our attendance management system. Their customized and user-friendly design meets our unique requirements.

AntMyERP accurately tracks employee attendance in real-time and simplifies HR processes. It manages attendance records, tracks leave and generates detailed reports, saving time and minimizing errors.

Their team is responsive, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist.

We look forward to continued success with AntMyERP as our trusted ERP partner.

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Mr. Jignesh Patel
Manager - Operations

We realized we didn’t have the right ERP we needed to run the company optimally. We were using a lot of independent softwares to run Operations, Sales, Support, HR but AntMyERP offered us everything we needed – with many capabilities to grow into as the company grew. With AntMyERP, we’ve been able to improve profit by cutting costs. AntMyERP has helped us become a more profitable operation. On-time processes have improved by 33%, while staff efficiency & accountability has improved considerably.

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Mr. Tushar Parekh
Managing Director
Silicon Netsecure Pvt. Ltd

AntMyERP has played a crucial role in optimizing our business operations through the automation of various processes. Its comprehensive suite of functionalities, ranging from financial management to inventory control, has significantly improved our efficiency and productivity.

The intuitive and user-friendly interface of AntMyERP has facilitated a seamless transition for our team, enabling them to navigate and leverage the software without the need for extensive training. This has resulted in an immediate enhancement of our overall workflow.

   The automation of invoicing and expense tracking has not only saved us valuable time but has also minimized errors, providing us with a more accurate and transparent financial overview.

   One standout aspect of AntMyERP is its exceptional customer support. The team is highly responsive and proactive. Any queries or concerns are promptly addressed. AntMyERP stands out as a crucial business management tool, We recommend it to any organizations in search of an efficient system for their business needs.

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Mr Saravanam S
Deputy Manager

I’m pleased with AntMyERP’s CRM services for Printech Infotech. Their innovative solutions transformed our customer relations and streamlined our processes.

Right from the beginning, AntMyERP showed a deep understanding of our unique needs and challenges in the technology services industry.

We found AntMyERP’s CRM platform exceptional, as it has a wide range of features and has become essential to our daily operations.

CRM’s interface is simple and user-friendly, and our team has quickly become familiar with the system.

AntmyERP’s CRM is customizable to our workflows and our needs.

AntmyERP’s CRM automation manual tasks are now automated, freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.

We recommend AntMyERP for its cutting-edge ERP solutions, and the customer support team is highly responsive, knowledgeable, and available when needed.

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Mr Vince Varghese
Business Head

AntMyERP has improved our day to day rental operations. There has been a noticeable shift in our company since we implemented AntMyERP. With its industry-specific solution, our inventory, reservations, and customer engagements are now easily manageable.

We manage many customers with customer demand specific rental agreements, reports and plan deliveries and pickups.

We are able to get accurate information on laptop availability with a real-time tracking system, it enhances customer satisfaction and increases our operational efficiency. 

The customer support team is always responsive, has expertise, and is ready to help.

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Mr Anil Bhavnani
Founder & CEO
Rank Computers

Antmyerp has simplified our operations; the results exceeded our expectations. The billing module streamlines invoicing, billing cycle management, and payment tracking, saving up time for business growth.

The billing system’s accuracy and efficiency have significantly improved financial management by reducing errors and enabling proactive decision-making.

We recommend AntMyERP for its cutting-edge solutions, and the customer support team is highly responsive, knowledgeable, and available when needed.

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Mr Rupesh Chavan
Total Solution

AntMyerp has simplified our operations, exceeding our expectations.

Its Service Module improved our service management processes with its user-friendly interface and robust ticketing system.

AntMyERP’s user-friendly interface has greatly helped our team navigate and utilize the software without advanced training, significantly improving workflow.

Customizable Service Module made Antmyerp a scalable solution for our business needs, ensuring exceptional service management capabilities as we grow.

We highly recommend AntMyERP for always being ready to help with customer support.

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Mr Dhandapani V
Dy General Manager - Services

We first used AntMyERP to use some of their innovative modules and automated reporting solutions. The modules are user-friendly and provide solid functionality, making it easy for the team to adapt and maximize productivity. The smooth integration of these features into our current systems greatly enhances our processes and decision-making.

A few years later, the successful implementation of AntMyERP’s CRM Sales and Services module was one of the most critical aspects of our alliance. CRM and automation boosted satisfaction by strengthening relationships with clients and streamlining support. What truly sets AntMyERP apart is its commitment to ensuring the success of its solutions across all our locations. We highly recommend AntMyERP for their cutting-edge ERP solutions, reliability, and unparalleled support. Their commitment to excellence aligns perfectly with our values, making them a trusted partner in our journey towards operational excellence at TechnoGreen India.

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Mr Prashanth Kumar

Antmyerp has streamlined our operations efficiently, exceeding our expectations.

Antmyerp’s Service Module in our ERP system has significantly improved our service management processes. The user-friendly interface and comprehensive features helped us to manage our services seamlessly. The robust ticketing system enables us to efficiently create, track, and resolve service requests. The automated workflow ensures accountability and accuracy within our team, as well as advanced analytics and reporting tools, empowering us to optimize our service delivery strategies for better customer satisfaction.

Customizable Service Module made Antmyerp a scalable solution for our business needs, ensuring exceptional service management capabilities as we grow. We highly recommend AntMyERP for always ready to help customer support.

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Mr Jignesh Patel
Manager - Operations

The software has a lot of modules and features to help run your business. Customer Support is superb. We love the Auto Invoicing features.

Mr. Ramesh Shetty
Cann Copier Services Pvt. Ltd

Processes that once took hours now take minutes; others that once took minutes now take seconds. Investing in ANTMyERP had reduced our repetition of work.

Sandeep R.
Print Studio

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