The Power of QR Codes in Preventive Maintenance : CMMS

The Power of QR Codes in Preventive Maintenance : CMMS

by Atiksha Sharma



We have progressed greatly due to the fact that the world is constantly evolving and providing us with new technological advancements. The global business landscape has also undergone a remarkable transformation. When it comes to tasks that formerly required human intervention, automation has not only replaced but greatly enhanced human performance.  One feature that has been introduced and widely adopted is the use of QR codes. The integration of QR codes into preventive maintenance management has significantly simplified tasks that previously took hours to execute. 


What is CMMS?

A computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) enables businesses to better manage maintenance tasks, equipment data, and inventory. Besides that, it makes the process easier and makes sure everything goes well. Maintenance workers can use this software to make planning, keeping track of, and improving maintenance tasks easier. It promotes a more structured method of scheduling maintenance and managing assets, which maximises their efficiency. CMMS systems provide valuable data regarding the health and repair needs of equipment. This facilitates proactive maintenance methods and improves operational consistency.


The Power of QR Codes in Preventive Maintenance

Quick response codes Maintenance management is a part of some industries. At first, it was made for marketing purposes, but over time, it has spread to many other fields. Some industries include maintenance management. Let us talk about how QR codes make preventative maintenance tasks better when they are linked to CMMS:  


Quickly Identifying Assets with QR Code Asset Management

Putting QR codes on assets makes them easier to find. Each piece of machinery, asset, and equipment has its own QR code. Technicians can save a lot of time and effort by simply scanning the codes with their mobile devices to access more information about each asset. This level of capability can eliminate a significant amount of manual data entry. They will enhance their understanding of the maintenance instructions stored in the CMMS. 


Improved Records of Maintenance with QR Code Equipment Maintenance

An additional great benefit of QR codes for PM is the enhancement of maintenance records. An essential component of effective preventive maintenance is documentation. You can improve your maintenance records by associating QR codes with particular assets and the maintenance tasks they require. Technicians can check the status of their work order by scanning the asset’s QR code when the job is done. They can even add important data to the CMMS This entails details such as 

  • Maintenance performed
  • Parts replaced
  • Inspection findings,
  • and timestamps. 

Organisations can improve their asset performance, make data-driven decisions, and launch continuous improvement campaigns by collecting real-time data at the point of sale.


Accurate Data Capture with QR Code Tracking

Using QR codes as a standard for data collection helps guarantee that all maintenance is done consistently and accurately. You can plan out the fields and data that are needed for each maintenance task. For example, list the work performed, the parts used, and the inspection results.

Teach technicians how to use the CMMS’s QR code scanning features to enter data correctly and completely. 


Get a QR Inventory Management feature Power with AntMyERP

At AntMyERP, it is easy to make, track, and plan your Preventive Maintenance tickets and send them to your engineers. You can also sort tickets by how important they are based on the availability of your engineers and what the customers want. 

In a time of cutting-edge technology and top-notch operations, QR codes have become a powerful tool for improving CMMS preventive maintenance. With AntMyERP’s new QR codes for businesses, you can make your preventative maintenance tasks easier and more accurate.  

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