AntMyERP Software streamlines meter-based maintenance tasks for enhanced productivity.

Meter Based Maintenance

by Arvind



Meter-based maintenance, as the name suggests, involves using meter data to perform maintenance on equipment. This data can come from a variety of sources, such as vibration sensors, temperature sensors, or flow meters. The idea behind meter-based maintenance is that by monitoring the performance of equipment in real-time, maintenance can be performed proactively rather than reactively. This can help to prevent breakdowns and prolong the life of equipment.

AntMyERP Corrective Maintenance Software - Enhance Efficiency and Reliability

Corrective Maintenance

by Arvind



Corrective maintenance, also known as “repair maintenance,” is a type of maintenance that is performed to restore a machine or equipment to its proper working condition after it has malfunctioned or failed. This type of maintenance is typically performed on an as-needed basis, and is often reactive in nature. Corrective maintenance is generally considered to be a short-term solution, as it only addresses the immediate problem at hand, and does not necessarily address the underlying cause of the issue.

AntMyERP Breakdown Maintenance Software in Action

Breakdown Maintenance

by Arvind



Breakdown maintenance is a type of maintenance where machines or equipment is only repaired when it breaks down. In this type of maintenance, the emphasis is on restoring the equipment to its original working condition as quickly as possible. Unlike preventive maintenance, which is scheduled, breakdown maintenance is performed after the equipment has already failed.

AntMyERP Total Productive Maintenance Software - Streamline Operations, Increase Efficiency, and Reduce Downtime.

Total Productive Maintenance

by Arvind



Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a comprehensive approach to equipment maintenance that emphasizes proactive maintenance techniques to reduce equipment downtime, increase productivity, and improve product quality. TPM aims to optimize the overall effectiveness of production equipment by involving all employees in the maintenance process.

AntMyERP Software: Efficient Unplanned Maintenance

Unplanned Maintenance

by Arvind



Unplanned maintenance refers to any maintenance activity that occurs unexpectedly or is not part of the routine maintenance plan. It can be caused by equipment failure, human error, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events. Unlike planned maintenance, which is scheduled in advance and performed during planned downtime, unplanned maintenance is usually performed urgently, often resulting in extended downtime, lost production, and increased costs.

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