
CMMS vs. Traditional maintenance: Which Approach is better?

by Atiksha Sharma



Are you the one who is still managing their maintenance through old and traditional methods? Well, if yes, then it’s high time that you consider checking out the way computerised maintenance management systems (CMMS) are changing the way you are managing all your maintenance operations.

Regular maintenance is an essential part of all businesses. This is where a CMMS serves as a management tool for maintenance and durability programmes. It is an easy-to-use platform for keeping important data organised and safe. CMMS software is a fantastic tool for maintenance teams, allowing them to easily monitor their work and gain valuable insights into the health and accuracy of their machines. This makes it especially useful for managing power industrial facilities with equipment assets that are required for production.

In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both traditional maintenance and CMMS. We will also see which maintenance management software is going to benefit you in the long run.


Understanding computerised maintenance management software and Traditional Maintenance

Let us first talk about what CMMS and traditional maintenance are before getting into the details.

CMMS: CMMS stands for “computerised maintenance management system.” It is a piece of software that makes it easier to do maintenance tasks and keeps all the information about maintenance in one place. It helps businesses run tasks like tracking inventory, reporting on equipment data, and analyzing data more efficiently. It also makes the process easier and makes sure everything runs smoothly. This software makes it easier for maintenance staff to plan, keep track of, and improve maintenance tasks. It promotes a more organised approach to asset management and Preventive Maintenance, making their work less time consuming.

Traditional Maintenance: Traditional maintenance methods, on the other hand, use paper-based systems and steps that are done by hand to do maintenance work. When things break, one common way to fix them is to schedule maintenance tasks based on time. 


Some of the main differences between CMMS and traditional maintenance management

To determine which approach is preferable, we must first find out its usability. The following are the key factors that distinguish CMMS from traditional maintenance management.


Automating Maintenance

It is very important to make important decisions in today’s world of data and easy access to information. Particularly in terms of facility management. The traditional way of doing things relied on guesswork and fixing equipment problems as they happened. CMMS, on the other hand, only uses data and makes decisions based on that data. It is also possible for facility managers to see performance graphs, maintenance records, and patterns of failures. This feature helps them figure out what maintenance is needed and how to best use their resources. 


Improved Asset Management

CMMS gives businesses instant access to data that they need to use, as well as information about how assets are performing and their maintenance history. Management decisions for businesses, like repairs, replacements, and maintenance, can all be based on data. Therefore, less extra time is needed, and assets work better.  


Data Management

Management of data is another important area where CMMS and traditional maintenance are different. 

In conventional maintenance, all management tasks involve hand-typing. It is possible for this method to take longer and lead to more mistakes. In fact, the process of manually managing data can make it difficult to analyse and identify trends. Because of this, chances to improve things are lost.

Computerised Maintenance Management Software (CMMS), on the other hand, enables you to handle and analyse data in real time. This enables businesses to make wise decisions about their repair tasks. Businesses can also use CMMS to analyse maintenance data to identify patterns, predict when equipment will fail, and optimise their maintenance plan. This reduces downtime and the cost of repairs. 


Conclusion: Advancing to a New Level with Preventive Maintenance software

The role of the management team has evolved with the changing times and development of technology. There are those who have made the choice to use CMMS, while others are sticking to traditional maintenance methods for their management operations. However, the main distinction between the two lies in the accuracy and time saved when utilising the software.

Using a platform like CMMS software and preventive maintenance helps the team take a proactive approach to boost efficiency, cut down on downtime, and improve inventory management and the security of the team.


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