Improve Solar Panel Business with After Sales Service Software

Improve Solar Panel Business with After Sales Service Software

by Perminder Kaur



The world today is shifting to sustainable sources of energy. They are aware that the future needs to be saved with non-renewable energy sources. One of the few sustainable energies is solar power. The solar panel companies are booming because of the high demand. However, the growth brings challenges too, particularly the absence of after sales services. To handle those they need the best after sales service software. Without the after sales service system, the solar power companies will face issues like delayed maintenance, insufficient issue resolution etc. This will lead to challenges like increased downtime and dissatisfied customers.

After sales service service management software helps the solar service company to address the challenges. This helps in quick response times and enhanced customer satisfaction. The companies can benefit a lot from investing in the after sales service CRM. In this blog we will look at some of those benefits and the key features the after sales service software should have. We will also look into how a solar power panel installation company and service provider should select the best after sales service. Let’s get started!

Benefits of After Sales Management Software

There are a lot of advantages gained from the CRM after sales by the solar system service providers. Some of them are:

Improved Customer Support with Solar Panel Customer Service

With the automated after sales service software, it becomes easy to acknowledge the customer complaints. It reduces the wait time and enhances customer satisfaction. Centralized customer service management app ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Streamlined Maintenance with Sales and After Sales Service

The solar repair services are automated which makes the scheduling easy. It ensures that the routine checks are performed on time without manual intervention. Also, the after sales processes like repair jobs and scheduled maintenance are done in assigned time.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction After Sales Service

The after sales team makes sure to stay in touch with the solar panel customers throughout. The after sales CRM keeps a record of customer service history to enhance customer experience. Reliable customer record apps help to increase customer trust and loyalty leading to higher retention.

Key Features of the After Sales Service Software for the Solar Services

The service solar system companies provide are wide range. From solar power installation in big organizations to solar home systems(SHS), everything is involved. The SHS solar as well as the bigger panels, require the best app for customer management to look into their service needs. Let us look into some of the features that the software or app should have.

Service Request Management 

The after sales service requires managing the service requests of the customers on time. This can be done with the help of a sales call app. It is a centralized system for logging, tracking and resolving service requests. It makes sure that all the services are catered to and nothing is left unattended. With the after sales service software, the tracking is made easy with easy resolutions.

Inventory Management

Inventory management is essential in any business. The after sales management software efficiently does that job. The software tracks the inventory in real time. This ensures that the required spare parts are readily available whenever needed. It reduces the downtime hence improving the operational efficiency.

Resource Management

Prompt service is what any customer looks for. Solar panel customers are no different. With the after sales app, it becomes easy to track the nearest best technician available to take on a service call. The software also has a knowledge base with which the technicians can take help while solving an issue. Through the app, the technician and customers can also have a smooth communication on the status of their calls.

Reports and Analytics

Businesses require past data to plan a better future. The after sales service system provides the organization with accurate information about all the service records. This helps them take informed decisions and identify the trends among the customers. Feedbacks and customer interactions are also taken into account for a better planning

Warranty Management

Organizations always look to retain customers in addition to making new sales. After all, word of mouth and customer loyalty goes a long way in building relationships. Managing all the services listed in the contract and also renewing the warranty helps to boost any business. This helps in retaining customers.

Choosing the Best After Sales Service Software 

When it comes to selecting the right after sales service software, it is important to consider multiple factors. Firstly, take a look at the scalability of the software, i.e. if the software can grow with your business and handle large volumes of service requests. Secondly, how user friendly the system is. The more it is easy to use, the more customers it will attract. Lastly, look into the features needed for your business in particular like inventory management, service request management, etc. A successful implementation requires planning, clear communication and the after sales support that a service provider can provide. Hence, it is important to look into all the aspects wisely.


After discussing all the details of the software, we can clearly conclude the importance of investing in good software. This one time investment can go a long way. The solar panel companies need to look into the various aspects and the benefits they can get from it. This will ensure their profit in the long run. Let us know if you need any assistance in getting more clarity on how an after sales service software can be of help. Our team will be happy to help. Get in touch with us for booking a free trial.

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