Improve Your Organization’s Performance with State of the Art Finance Reports
Financial well-being is the major goal of every organization. When it comes to money matters, everything else takes a back seat. In today’s world where everything is accessible at the tip of your finger, finance reports are no different. However, the details and the way it is covered in AntMyERP is a unique one and it will cover all your financial concerns under one umbrella. Let’s delve deep into the functionalities it has to offer in some detail.

Closing Stock and Stock Report
Closing Stock report lists the inventory present in the organization. It can also be said that it lists the balance available after all the inward and outward transactions have taken place as far as inventory is concerned. It lists all the items whether with serial number or without it. It provides a proper bifurcation of the products. A user can view the report category wise. However, there’s a peculiar feature specialized for our clients, the inventory will list rented and MPS products under the inward transaction as the product still belongs to the organization.Â
Just like the closing stock report, this report shows the available inventory of the organization after sales or other services. The difference between the stock report and the closing stock report is that the former lists the inventory product wise while the latter reflects the product bundle i.e. different products associated with the main product. It is essential for the organization to maintain both the reports in an accurate manner to avoid any discrepancies.

Ledger Account
Ledger Account is a journal which is maintained by the main accounts team. It lists all the transactions that take place in the organization including the debit and credit. It records all the payment from the client and helps in identifying outstanding balance, if any. It is a major plus for the accounts department as it shows the account history in great detail.
Bank and Cash Account
The Bank Account Report has all the details listed related to banks in which the organization has an account. This crucial report lists all the details of the banks, the accounts and the balance in those accounts.
The Cash Account Report is the same as a bank account just talking in terms of petty cash. It records all the cash transactions in the organization which again proves to be vital for the finance department.

Debtors and Creditors Report
This report lists all the details of the clients from whom the payment has to be taken. This report immensely helps the team to gauge the outstanding balance, if any, with any of its clients.
The Sundry Creditors report list the details of all the vendors to whom the payment is to be made. This again, helps in gauging the outstanding balance. Also, there is a feature of aging in the report where the user can view the aging of the transaction made and can prioritize the payment in case the payment was not made recently.

Expenses in Finance Reports
This report is a crucial one for the organization as far as long term financial planning is concerned. It records the expenses done on a varied spectrum whether it is for the organization or an individual employee. This report helps the organization decide if an expense incurred is worth the deal or better left skipped in future.
Fixed Assets
This report lists all the fixed assets of the organization in terms of valuation i.e. money. It generally deals with all the internal assets used within the organization and the cost incurred on those.

Profitability in Finance Reports
The profitability report reflects the profits made during the current financial year which the user can view through multiple parameters like Serial no., Product etc. Through this report it becomes easy for the management to assess where the profit is coming from and lay stress on the weaker areas.

Profitability Nutshell
In this report, the user can view the payment invoice details. He/ she can assess how much profit is generated along with the payment history. The user can view both i.e. Purchase Details which is for the vendors and the Payment Details which include the client payment details. As the name of this financial report suggests, it shows profitability in a nutshell.
MPS Analysis
This report is one of the reports specially designed for MPS business. It reveals the output of each product month wise. The average of the counts per month can be taken out by the management. The MPS Analysis report helps the management to pre plan as to how much toner is required for the organization on a monthly basis. Hence, minimizing the time spent on gauging the records manually.

Non HSN/ SAC Report
This report is highly beneficial as long as the billing for a client is concerned. This report clearly shows that all products do not have their HSN/ SAC number updated in the system. As per the government norms, an organization can only bill a client if the HSN/ SAC number is registered which eventually becomes the priority for the organization to update the same.

Rental Recovery Report
This report is appropriate for organizations dealing with rental businesses. Through this report, the user can gauge all the products and if they have attained the recovery for the organization i.e. their cost price. They can also track for how many days the product was rented and for how many days the product was unused and kept idle. Organizations sometimes keep a goal for recovery of their rental products. Through this report assessing that becomes a walk in the park.