Finance and Accounting
Best Field Service Management and AMC Management Software for System Integrators, Equipment Dealers. Manage Sales, Rental, AMC, and Visit Charges Business with AntMyERP.
Generate 1000+ invoices with one single click.
Make your accounting Fast and Accurate.

The Field Service Management Software helps you generate multiple purchase invoices in one single click. Each transaction of purchase is automated to provide, easy to access bills and invoices. You can view the purchase register with complete visibility of the purchase done from the supplier/ vendor for all branch locations. You can easily analyze and track the purchase bill and purchase bill returns through the software.

Purchase Bill
We help you track your purchase bill and purchase invoices raised with their status of approval and billing. The purchase bills are automatically generated with a click after the product GRN is taken in. The software gives you a feature where you can generate multiple purchase invoices at the same time and save a lot of time and effort for the team.

Purchase Return
Managing purchase returns for multiple vendors can be tedious if done manually or through excel. With the help of this Service ERP, you can accurately track and manage the return with correct billing and invoices in place. You can maintain the payment return register and with just one click of return, the purchase return invoice is automatically generated with exact billing information.

Now easily manage the creditor for the purchase return. After you successfully managed the purchase return, you can send the purchase return invoice back to the supplier/ vendor. Thus, you can easily track the creditor details with the amount in one place. Hence you never lose sight of the credit for the purchase return and can do the follow-up for the respective payments.
The Service ERP helps you analyze the sales for the current month as well as for the current financial year. You get visibility of the top clients contributing to your revenue. You can manage multiple customer invoices at one place. For every sales, the software automatically generates the invoice type with a single click. Thus, your process becomes easy and fast and the team work and efficiency is improved. You can easily view the sales register with all the customers invoices at one place along with their status. You get an additional view option for the invoice, which is a classic view and a normal view.

Sales Invoice
AntMyERP helps you simplify the sales with proper process automation. It gives complete visibility of the sales invoices in one place. You can easily track the date-wise invoices for clients and also check the approval status and the payment status. You can easily download the sales register in excel and use it for your reference. The sales register gives information on the sales invoices type, invoice number, and customers with their branches.

Sales Return
The Service CRM helps you manage the sales return in an easy-to-use process. In the service industry, we manage multiple clients and products, and managing the sales returns becomes tedious. You need to maintain documents to track the product returned after-sales and then manage their invoices accordingly. Using this software, you can accurately track the sales return which is generated automatically with a single click. It can be sent to customers for subsequent billing.

AntMyERPÂ helps you manage the debtors for the sales return effectively. Once the sales return is done you can generate the sale return invoice and send it to customers. The software maintains the sales return credit amount, with the sales debit amount. It makes it easy to track the balance payment after the sales return invoice is given to clients for all your customers. Thus, you do not need to search for people or files to know your debtors.
Bank and Cash
Manage your Bank and Cash transaction accurately with AntMyERP.
The bank and cash can be effectively managed through AntMyERP. It helps you maintain and manage your banks in the software and allows you to track your bank transactions. You can manage the bank-to-bank transaction, the account balances, payments to the vendors, payments received from the clients, the bills, the salary, and vouchers to employees.
The Service ERP also helps in managing the petty cash, where you can manage their entries, the tracking of cash in hand, and the cash issued to employees. You can always have a track of the bank and cash transactions and balances of money for both.

Automated Software for Sales and Service
AntMyERPÂ is an automated field service management software where each module of purchase, sales, and service is automated. The software automates the process of purchase, sales, and expense vouchers. Hence you do not need to worry much about doing so many entries into the system, as it is automatically taken care of.
The Service CRM helps you in generating multiple invoices with just a click. All invoices are automatically generated and bills can be made as fast as you would have ever thought. AntMyERP helps you manage auto invoicing and billing for all business models you follow and it makes life easy for the accounts team, who has to spend lots of hours preparing them.
Expense Management
Automated expense management makes it easier for the accounts team to track and monitor the expense vouchers created by the service engineers.

Through the software, the service engineers or the employees can manually create the expense vouchers into the system either through the mobile application or the web portal. Once the voucher is created it goes for approval to the senior and a second approval to the accounts team. When both the approval is received for the voucher, it is paid to the employee.

Distance and Auto GPS Voucher
The software allows automatic distance voucher creation, where the location is captured through the GPS and the distance is auto calculated, and the voucher is created and goes for approval. The user can also manually enter the start and reach the time to create the voucher. And once approved by both authorities it is paid to the employee.

Odometer Expense Voucher
Through this feature of AntMyERP, the manual meter reading of bike, car, or other modes of travel can be entered with the start and reach distance, and the voucher is created into the system. Based on the company policy the admin or the finance team can define the reimbursement for the distance traveled and the employees can be paid accordingly.
Payment and Receipt
AntMyERP makes the tracking of all payments easy and effective. The financial transaction of payment and receipt is simplified and readily available for use.
You can track all the payments made to the vendors/ suppliers and can also track all the payments received from the customers. You can easily make a manual receipt entry for payment received. You can also make entries for the payments made to the vendors as well.
The Service ERP allows you to send relevant pdf documents to customers for their reference. Thus, all payments and receipts information is easily available in one place. And you have full control of the transaction you do with your vendor or with your customers for sales and purchase activities.

We can integrate your accounting software with AntMyERP. All you need to do is provide us with the API Key so that we can integrate your current software with AntMyERP to provide meaningful output.

You get complete visibility of your finances and the transactions with AntMyERP. You can easily analyze your sales revenue for the current financial year. You also have clarity of the sales done, the details of the payment outstanding. You can have complete profitability reporting business wise, the reports on expenses, the bank and cash reports, the payment and receipt reports. The software gives clarity on the tax liabilities, the sundry debtors and creditors, the bank accounts you manage.

Now get clarity on your business and the finances with the Field Service Management Software. You can also analyze profits month-wise, analyze the top clients, their contracts, and their top invoices. AntMyERP provides the profitability of the product category, the device’s profitability with their serial number, and the customer’s profitability. You get business model-wise (Sales, Rental, ASP, MPS, Visit Charges) profitability.

Chart of Accounts
This feature helps you track your direct/ indirect expenses, employees’ loan, and advance. The software provides various accounts heads and groups already created for your ready use where you can view and manage your expenses. Thus, the company expenses under different groups can be maintained and managed easily with AntMyERP.

Payables and Receivables
You can manage the amounts which are due for payment or due for receiving along with the payment entry and the receipt entry. It gives the outstanding balance report, customer or vendor wise, so tracking is very convenient. All transactions are available at one place with a simple click. It makes the life of the accounts team easy as they get this reporting with few clicks.