Service Call Assignment Rules

by Arvind



Why does the service ticket call assignment change automatically when the engineer’s name is changed inside the ticket?


1.What does “User Name” represent in ticket activity?

“User Name” refers to the username associated with the team member or user who performed a specific action or update on the ticket. It helps track and attribute changes to individuals.
2. Why does the assigned user change when there is activity on the ticket?

The assigned user may change based on the nature of the activity or updates in the ticket. This dynamic assignment ensures that the most relevant team member is handling the latest information for efficient issue resolution.It was update as per Task preference added user name for thsi activity.

Managing Problems in Service Tickets Management

by Arvind



What’s the procedure for adding a new Problem to a service ticket in AntMyERP?


Log in to AntMyERP:
Open your web browser and navigate to the AntMyERP login page. Enter your credentials to access your AntMyERP account. Make sure you have admin or super admin rights, or the necessary permissions to access the Settings.

Navigate to “Settings”:
After logging in, locate and click on the “Settings” section.

Access the “Masters” Menu:
Inside the Settings, find and select the “Masters” option.

Select “Service”
Within the Masters menu, search for and click on the “Service”

Choose “Problem”:
Within the Service settings, look for the “Problem” option and click on it.

Add a New Problem:
In the Problems section, you should see a “+” icon or an “Add” button. Click on it to initiate the process of adding a new problem.

Provide Problem Details:
A form will appear, allowing you to input details for the new problem. Fill in a suitable name for the problem and provide a description. You can also indicate whether a solution is available and whether an RCA (Root Cause Analysis) is required for this problem. Additionally, you might need to select the product category in which this problem may occur.

Save and Exit:
Once you’ve entered the problem details, look for a “Save” button or similar option. Click on it to save the newly added problem. You can repeat this process to add multiple problems as needed.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to efficiently add new problem entries within AntMyERP’s service settings.

Service Ticket History Management

by Arvind



How can I see the past records of service tickets or locate their serial number histories?

Navigate to the “Service” module.
Proceed to the “Open Service” section.
From the dropdown menu, choose “Total Service.”
Click on the search icon and enter the Serial number in the ‘Serial No.’ field, then click the search icon.
All the service calls logged for this serial number will be displayed.
You can download the data in Excel by clicking on the Download icon at the top.

Alternate way go to the inner page of the particular Serial number by clicking on the Serial number in any pages which displayed the Serial number.

You can also see inside the service ticket all the history associated with that Serial number.


General FAQ related to Service Tickets Management

by Arvind



Why expired contract products are showing on the Service Ticket Logging page ?

The serial numbers of products for which the contracts have expired are still under warranty. Therefore, you are able to see them when logging a service call.


What’s the procedure for closing or solving a service ticket with a backdated entry in AntMyERP?

In AntMyERP, please be aware that backdated entries are strictly prohibited for service tickets. Therefore, it is not possible to close or resolve a service ticket with a past date. All entries and transactions are current dated and timed.


Will renaming a contact person reflect in previously logged service tickets in AntMyERP?

Yes. If you rename a contact person, the same change will be reflected in earlier logged service tickets in AntMyERP.


Why isn’t the serial number appearing when logging a service ticket in AntMyERP?

The serial number’s contract must have expired, which is why you were unable to log a service ticket. Please proceed to update the contract to log call.


How do I resolve the error message preventing me from closing a service ticket in AntMyERP?

If a service ticket’s spare part request has been raised but the spare request process has not been completed, and no challan has been created for those spare parts, the user will be unable to resolve or close the ticket from either the mobile app or the web portal. To address this, please ensure the following steps are taken:
Execute the Spare Part Request and Create a Challan or
Reject the Spare Request
By performing these steps, you’ll be able to resolve the issue and proceed with solving or closing the service ticket both through the mobile app and the web portal.


Can I create a single service ticket for multiple serial numbers in AntMyERP?

Unfortunately, AntMyERP is designed to capture a single service ticket for each product with its corresponding serial number. As of now, it’s not possible to create a single service ticket that encompasses multiple serial numbers.

How do I handle service requests for multiple products with different serial numbers?

To address service requests for multiple products with different serial numbers, you will need to create separate service tickets for each product. This ensures that each issue is properly tracked and managed.

Can I create a bundled service ticket for related products?

While AntMyERP may not support a single service ticket for multiple serial numbers, you can consider bundling related products under a common service request. This means that if multiple products are part of a similar issue or service request, you can create individual service tickets for each product and then associate them with a common category or issue type. This way, you can still maintain a level of organization for related service requests.

Method for disabling the To do List from Problems?

by Arvind



What’s the method for disabling the To do list from Problems ?


Log into AntMyERP:
Open your web browser and navigate to the AntMyERP login page. Enter your credentials to log in to your AntMyERP account. Ensure you have admin or super admin rights, or the necessary permissions to access the Settings.

Access the “Settings” Section:
Once logged in, navigate to the “Settings” section.

Navigate to the “Masters” Menu:
Within the Settings, locate and click on the “Masters” option.

Select “Service” from the Menu:
Inside the “Masters” menu, search for and choose the “Service” option.

Choose a Problem:
Within the Service, find and click on the “Problem” option.

Select and Edit the Problem:
In the Problem , identify the specific problem you want to modify. Click on the action icon associated with it and select the “Edit” option.

Update the To-Do Status:
In the editing interface, proceed to the “To-Do” section. From the dropdown menu, choose the “Select To-Do” option. After making the selection, remember to save the changes and then exit the editing mode. This action will disable the item in the To-Do list.

Multiple Priorities

by Arvind



Is it possible to add multiple priorities for service tickets in AntMyERP?


Log in to AntMyERP:
Open your web browser and go to the AntMyERP login page. Enter your credentials to log in to your AntMyERP account. Ensure you have admin or super admin rights or the necessary permissions to access the Settings.

Navigate to the “Settings”

Access the “Masters” Menu:
Within the Settings, find and click on the “Masters” option. .

Select “Service” from the Menu:
Inside the “Masters” , search for and select the “Service” option.

Choose “Priority”:
Within the Service, locate and click on the “Priority” option.

Add a New Priority:
Look for a “+” icon, often used to add new entries. Click on it to initiate the process of adding a new Priority.

Provide Priority Details:
A form or dialog should appear where you can input details for the new Priority. Add a suitable name for the Priority name that accurately represents its purpose or meaning.

Save and Exit:
After entering the new Priority name, look for a “Save and create ” or “Save and Exit” button. Click on it to save the newly added Priority. You Can Multiple Priority with same process

What’s the procedure for closing multiple tickets simultaneously in AntMyERP?

by Arvind



What’s the procedure for closing multiple tickets simultaneously in AntMyERP?


Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by entering your login credentials.

Navigate to the Service Module: Proceed to the Service module section within the application.

Access “Open Service”: Locate and click on the “Open Service” option.

Inside the “Open Service” section:

For Installation and Breakdown Calls: Switch to the “All” tab to view Installation and breakdown call tickets.
For Preventive Maintenance Calls: Navigate to the “PM” tab to view Preventive maintenance call tickets.
Perform Ticket Selection:

Check the checkboxes corresponding to the tickets you want to close.Click on the Orange button and select Mass update

Upon selecting the desired tickets, a pop-up window for Mass Update will appear.
In the pop-up, update the ticket status to “Closed”.
Provide the necessary information such as due date and assignee name.
Click “Save” to finalize the changes.
Note: The Mass Update operation will close the selected open tickets. Keep in mind that each Mass Update process can handle up to 50 tickets at a time.

Why does an expense voucher marked as paid still appear in the pending tab?

by Arvind



Why does an expense voucher marked as paid still appear in the pending tab?


To facilitate the seamless processing of expense vouchers in the finance system, please follow the steps outlined below:
Access the Finance module.
Select “Expenses Voucher” from the left menu.
Locating Voucher :

Find the voucher number under both the “Pending” and “Paid” tabs.
Action Required:
Click on the “View” button inside the voucher.
First Approval:
Within the voucher, locate the “First Approval” button in the right-hand side header.
Click the “First Approval” button.

Page Refresh:
After clicking, allow the page to refresh.
Second Approval:
Once the page refreshes, you will find the “Second Approval” button in the same location.
Click on the “Second Approval” button.
Pending Voucher Display:

The voucher will now be moved from the “Pending” tab to the “Paid” tab.
Old Zero Amount Vouchers:
For old zero-amount vouchers, initiate the processing through the Approval Process.

After processing, the old zero-amount voucher will be displayed only under the “Paid” tab.

Customer Portal Configuration and Management

by Arvind



Getting started with Customer / Client  Portal


Providing Login Credentials for Client Access in Your ERP

After creating a customer account in your ERP system, you can enable access and provide login credentials by following these steps:

URL: Provide the client with the URL to access the ERP portal. This URL will lead them to the login page where they can enter their credentials.

Username and Password Creation:

Log in to your ERP system.
Navigate to “Settings” and select “Users and Roles.”
Search for the specific customer by name or unique identifier.
Click on the customer’s entry to edit their details.
Adding Password and Activating:

Within the customer’s profile, locate the “Add Password” option.
Create a strong password for the customer’s account. Ensure it meets security requirements.
Click on the “Active” checkbox to activate the account for login.
Save the changes to confirm the password addition and activation.
Now the client has their login credentials and can access the ERP portal using the provided URL, username, and newly set password. This process ensures secure access to the portal, allowing clients to interact with their account, place orders, view information, and utilize the services offered by your ERP system.


Purchase order without purchase requisition

by Arvind



Can we directly make a purchase order without purchase requisition?


Yes you can directly create a purchase other without creation a Purchase requisition.


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