Logging a service ticket with serial number

by Arvind



How can I log a service ticket using a serial number in AntMyERP?

You can efficiently log a service ticket using a serial number in AntMyERP through the instant service process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Access the Service Ticket Page:

Navigate to the Service Ticket section within AntMyERP.
Step 2: Use the Instant Service Icon:

Look for the Instant Service Icon, often found in the footer or navigation. Click on it to initiate the process.
Step 3: Enter Serial Number:

A pop-up will open, prompting you to enter the serial number associated with the product. Input the correct serial number.
Step 4: Automatic Ticket Fill:

The ticket will automatically populate with relevant details such as customer name, branch, and person associated with the serial number.
Step 5: Add Assignee and Problem Details:

Enter the assignee (technician or employee responsible for the ticket) and a description of the problem or issue.
Step 6: Save the Ticket:

Once all necessary details are filled, save the ticket. This will formally log the service ticket.

What if I encounter an issue while using the instant service process?

If you encounter any difficulties or issues while using the instant service process, consider the following:
Double-check the accuracy of the serial number entered.
Ensure that the required fields are correctly populated.
If you continue to face challenges, refer to your AntMyERP documentation or contact their customer support for assistance.

Can I edit the details of a service ticket created through the instant service process?

Yes, you can usually edit the details of a service ticket that was created through the instant service process. Access the ticket and look for options to modify or update various fields, such as assignee, problem description, or other relevant information.

Creating a Visit Charge Service Ticket

by Arvind



How can I create a chargeable visit ticket in AntMyERP?

You can create a chargeable visit ticket in AntMyERP by following these steps:

Step 1: Access Quick Add:

Click on the Quick Add icon (usually depicted as a plus sign) located at the top of the interface.
Step 2: Select Service Ticket:

From the options presented, choose “Service Ticket” to initiate the ticket creation process.
Step 3: Add Requestor Name and Details:

Enter the name of the requestor and provide any relevant details in the designated box.
Step 4: Add Machine Details:

Click on the ‘+’ symbol to add machine details.
Enter the visit contract number, brand, and serial number of the machine. Save this information.
Step 5: Fill Additional Details:

Continue to fill in other necessary details, such as the assignee’s name, description of the problem, and due date.
Step 6: Save the Ticket:

Once all required information is added, save the ticket. This will log the chargeable visit ticket.


What happens after the ticket is saved?

After saving the chargeable visit ticket, the following actions usually take place:

The ticket is officially logged in the system and assigned a unique ticket number.
If the ticket is associated with a contract, it might generate a sales order linked to the contract for Invoicing purposes.

Can I edit or update the chargeable visit ticket later if needed?

Yes, you can often edit or update the details of a chargeable visit ticket after it has been created. This includes modifying assignee information, problem description, due date, and other relevant fields. Locate the ticket within the system and look for options to edit or update its details.

Vendor name not visible adding service tickets.

by Arvind



Why isn’t the vendor name visible when creating service tickets in AntMyERP?

If you’re unable to see the vendor name while logging a service ticket in AntMyERP, it’s likely because the system requires a preliminary step to associate the vendor with the service ticket. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Initiate a Visit Purchase Order:

Before assigning the service call to a vendor, you need to create a “Visit Purchase Order” to establish a formal connection between the vendor and the service ticket.
Step 2: Create a Visit Purchase Order:

Access the appropriate section in AntMyERP to create a “Visit Purchase Order.”
Fill in the necessary details, including the vendor’s name and other relevant information.
Step 3: Associate Service Ticket with the Visit Purchase Order:

Once the Visit Purchase Order is created, return to the service ticket.
Look for an option to associate the ticket with the Visit Purchase Order or vendor.
Link the service ticket to the Visit Purchase Order you’ve just created.
Step 4: Assign the Call to Vendor:

With the service ticket linked to the Visit Purchase Order, you should now be able to assign the call to the vendor for further assistance.

What is a Visit Purchase Order, and why is it needed for vendor assignment?

Visit Purchase Order is a formal document that establishes an arrangement with a vendor for specific services or tasks. It outlines the details of the service request, the vendor’s responsibilities, and any associated costs. In AntMyERP, creating a Visit Purchase Order is a prerequisite for assigning service calls to vendors, ensuring a clear and organized process for service request management.

Contracted product not visible while logging service calls

by Arvind



Contracted product not visible while logging service calls


Why am I unable to see a contracted product in the service ticket creation process in AntMyERP?

If you’re experiencing difficulty viewing a contracted product while raising a service ticket in AntMyERP, please follow these steps for troubleshooting:

Step 1: Check if the Contract Status:

Ensure that the contract associated with the product is active and not expired. Contracts might dictate whether a product is eligible for service.
Step 2: Verify Ticket Creation Process:

Confirm that you’re using the correct procedure to raise a service ticket for an existing product.
Step 3: Review Serial Numbers:

If the product has multiple serial numbers associated with it, you might be encountering a display limitation.
Step 4: Use the Search Function:

Try entering the serial number into the search box during ticket creation. This should display the specific product with the matching serial number.
Step 5: Contract/Product Link:

Double-check that the product is correctly linked to the associated contract in your AntMyERP system.
Step 6: Clear Cache:

Clear your browser’s cache and cookies as they might sometimes cause display issues.

How can I access the contracted product using its serial number during ticket creation?

If the contracted product doesn’t display initially during ticket creation, follow these steps to access it using its serial number:
Step 1: When raising the service ticket, look for a search box or filter option.

Step 2: Enter the specific serial number of the product into the search box.

Step 3: The search results should display the contracted product with the matching serial number.

What if I’m still unable to locate the contracted product even after using the search function?

If the search function doesn’t yield the expected results, consider the following:
Ensure the correct serial number is being used for the search.
Check if any filters or settings are affecting the product’s visibility in the ticket creation interface.
Verify that the product is indeed contracted and associated with the appropriate contract.

Assignee Management in Service Ticket

by Arvind



FAQ on Assignee Management in Service Ticket


How can I change the assignee for a service ticket in AntMyERP?

You can easily change the assignee for a service ticket by following these steps:
Step 1: Locate the service ticket you want to modify. This can be done by either clicking on the ticket number or the ticket itself.
Step 2: Once inside the ticket, find the option to edit the ticket details. This is usually accomplished by adding comments or making updates to the ticket.
Step 3: Change the Assignee Type:
Look for the “Assignee Type” field and select the appropriate category from the available options:
Employee: Choose this if the assignee is an employee within your organization.
Vendor: Select this if the assignee is a vendor. You’ll need to provide the vendor’s information.
Client: Choose this if the assignee is a client. You’ll need to select the client’s company.
Auto Assignee: This option may not require additional details.
Step 4: Provide Assignee Details:

Depending on the assignee type you selected:
If you choose “Employee,” the system should automatically capture the current team data for the employee.
If you chose “Vendor,” provide the vendor’s company name and select the vendor’s name from the dropdown list based on the associated Visit Purchase Order.
If you choose “Client,” select the client’s company name from the dropdown list.
For “Auto Assignee,” no additional details might be required.

Step 5: Save Changes:
Once you’ve made the necessary updates, save the changes to the service ticket.


What if I want to change the assignee back to its original state?

If you need to revert the assignee to its original state, you can follow the same steps outlined above and choose the appropriate assignee type, whether it’s an employee, vendor, client, or auto assignee.

General FAQ on Time Sheet

by Arvind



Why isn’t the engineer’s name appearing in the Time Sheet?


The Time Sheet displays employee data in a hierarchical manner.

Users can view the employee and Time Sheet entries of those who are under their hierarchy.

Check the hierarchy of the engineer’s who’s name i not appearing in the Time Sheet.


Why do some timesheet entries lack service ticket numbers in AntMyERP?

Some manual timesheet entries might not have service ticket numbers because users are responsible for adding this information themselves. If the service ticket number is missing, it could be due to oversight or incomplete data entry during the timesheet creation process.


Can I add a service ticket number to my manual timesheet entries after they’ve been created?

Yes, you can typically edit your timesheet entries to add or update service ticket numbers. If you realize that a manual entry is missing this information, you should have the ability to go back and include the relevant service ticket number.

Unable to approve spare parts requests?

by Arvind



Why am I unable to approve spare requests?


Log in to AntMyERP: Log in to your AntMyERP account using your provided credentials.

Navigate to the Service Module: Proceed to the Service module

Access Request Spare: Navigate to ‘Request Spare’ and select ‘Request Spare Pending’ from dropdown.

Locate the Ticket: Use the search function to find the specific service ticket for which the spare parts request was generated.

Approve Spare Request:

Identify the action option linked to the ticket number.
Click on the ‘Approve’ button.
Choose from the dropdown whether the spare parts are chargeable or non-chargeable.
Save your changes to confirm the approval.
Completion: Following these steps, the spare parts request associated with the ticket will be successfully approved.

Inwarding Unused Spare Parts which were already issued to Field Service Engineers.

by Arvind



What is the processes of Inwarding Unused Spare Parts which were already issued to Field Service Engineers?


Log in to AntMyERP: Use your login credentials to access your AntMyERP account.

Navigate to the Service Module: Within the ERP system, find and select the Service module.

Access the ‘Request Spare’ Section: Locate the ‘Request Spare’ and ‘Request Spare Approved’ options from the dropdown menu or navigation bar.

Locate the Ticket: Search for the specific service ticket for which you want to record the inward of spare parts.

Find the Action Option: Look for the action icon against the ticket number and click ‘ Return and Cancel’.

Initiate the Return: Click on the ‘Return and Cancel’ option. A confirmation prompt might appear asking if you’re sure about cancelling and inwarding the spare parts.

Confirm the Action: If prompted, confirm the action by clicking ‘Yes.’ This action will inward the spare parts back into the inventory.

Completion: After confirming, the system will complete the process, and the spare parts that were not used by the engineer will be successfully inwarded back into the stock.



Cancelling a mistakenly created spare request for a service.

by Arvind



How do I cancel a mistakenly created spare request for a service in AntMyERP?


Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by logging in using your credentials.

Navigate to the Service Module: Proceed to the Service module section.

Access Request Spare: Go to the ‘Request Spare’ and ‘Request Spare Pending’ from dropdown

Locate the Ticket: Search for the specific ticket for which the spare request was created.

Reject Spare Request:

Find the action option associated with the ticket number.
Click on ‘Reject’.
Add a reason for the rejection.
Save your changes.
By following these steps, you should be able to reject the mistakenly created spare request .

Process for cancelling an approved spare parts request.

by Arvind



What’s the process for cancelling an approved part request?


Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by entering your login credentials.

Navigate to CRM Sales: Proceed to the CRM Sales

Access Sales Orders: From the CRM Sales , find and select the “Sales Order”

Choose Pending Parts Orders: Within the sales orders, locate and choose the “Pending Parts Order” option from the dropdown menu.

Locate and Delete Part Request:

Search for the specific ticket number that you wish to cancel.
Once you’ve found the ticket number, click on the red “Delete” button Against that ticket number
Confirm Deletion: Confirm the action when prompted, and the part request linked to the selected ticket number will be deleted.

By following these steps, you will be able to cancel an approved part request in AntMyERP.

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