Toner Ticket

by Mehek



Understanding Toner Ticket

A Managed Print Service (MPS) business looks after the management of all the copier and printer needs as a whole. They require equipment and service provided by a service provider. Along with all the other needs, toner is needed at regular intervals for their work to run smoothly. Through our erp users can log a toner call whenever there is a requirement. 



Navigate to the left menu > Settings > Task.

Under the Task Preferences tab, enter the name of the Toner Ticket Assignee.

Click on Update.

Note: if the toner  call is logged from the client portal ticket will be assigned to this assignee.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Toner Ticket Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable the permissions Manage All Ticket Creation (Task, Service, Enquiry, Purchase Enquiry, Pickup Task, Toner, Order) or  Create Toner Ticket, Manage Request Toner Report and Show Request Toner Hierarchy.

Click on Save.


Logging a Toner Call

Go to Quick Add > Request Toner.

The Request Toner form will open. Enter all the mandatory fields.

In the Add Details pop up window, all the information regarding the company, the printer and the contract details will be displayed.

After entering the details, click on Save.


Checking the Pending Toner Orders

To check the number of toner orders yet to be executed,

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales Order.

In the Sales Order dropdown, select the Pending Toner Order option. All the pending orders will be displayed.

If it is managed serial number wise, enter the serial number and if it is managed quantity wise, enter the quantity.

Note: If the serial number or quantity is in stock, it will appear. If it is not, then the system will give an error.

Click on Save. The challan will be made followed by delivery.

Hence, the quantity of the toner and the status can be tracked here. This helps in ticket management which inturn helps in task management.


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 Sales Order Ticket
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Pickup Ticket

Sales Order Ticket

by Mehek



Understanding Sales Order Ticket

A Sales order is an order document created by the seller to define the product specifics related to sales, rental or MPS businesses. It confirms and records the sale of goods and/or services ordered for the company.The process of booking a quotation and converting it into a contract is the same for all the categories of quotations. AntMyERP helps in better task management with sales order tickets.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Sales Order ticket Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable the permission Create Sales Order Ticket, Manage Order, Manage Sales Order Edit, Show Only Self Created Orders, Show Only Self Assigned Orders and Show Order Hierarchy.

Click on Save.


Booking an Order

There are two ways in which order can be booked.

  1. Convert to Contract and then go to Sales order form. From here the order can be booked.
  2. If you get any order related to the same customer then you don’t need to make a quotation again. You can directly book its Sales Order. To do that,

Go to Quick Add> Sales Order. 

Enter the customer and branch details. Once branch detail is selected, the Add Details pop up window will appear with all the details.

Enter the quantity and click on Add.

Enter all the mandatory details and click on Save.

Once you save it, your order is booked.


Viewing Sales Order Ticket

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales Order.

The sales order register opens where all sales orders are listed.


Sales Order 

This shows the list of all the booked sales orders in their respective stages after booking. This includes all the sales orders whether pending, completed or canceled. All the fields in the register will be pre-filled with all the particulars of the order.


Sales Order Pending

The order which needs to be executed after its booking.

The processing of a pending order is done in the following steps:

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales Orders. 

Click on  Sales order and select Sales Order (Pending).

Note: For more information on Pending Sales Order, refer here.


Sales Order (Completed)

Now the order will be shifted from the Sales Order (Pending) tab to the Sales Order (Completed) category in the ERP. 

To view the completed sales orders:

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales Orders

Click on  Sales Order and select Sales Order(Completed).


Sales Order (Drafted)

A Draft is created as a note of what is to be sent to the customer before actually recording it in the order. This is done in case there are multiple line items/product serial numbers for a single order. The method for creating a Draft order is:

Navigate to the left menu > CRM Sales > Sales Orders. 

Click on Sales Order > Sales Order (Pending)

Enter the Serial Numbers of the product.

Click Draft.

Go to Sales Order > Sales Order (Drafted) and click on Save.

A challan will be created for the order automatically and the order will now be shown under Sales Order (Completed).


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 Lead Ticket
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Toner Ticket

Lead Ticket

by Mehek



Understanding Lead Ticket

Any business runs on generating potential leads. Lead, in simple terms is one who has interacted with you or similar brands in the past in some way and is a potential customer. AntMyERP as a whole helps you in better lead management and analyzing it through a business point of view.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Lead Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Press Ctrl+F and enter the word Lead. Enable all the permissions related to Lead.

Click on Save.


Creating a Lead

Go to Quick Add > Enquiry.

The Enquiry form will open directly. 

The other way is by,

Navigating to the left menu> CRM Sales> Leads. 

This will open the index listing showing all the created leads so far.

Click on the plus button on the right hand side. This will open the enquiry form.

If it has come from an existing customer, enter the name of the company in the Requester field. 

If the lead is already created in the system, a Confirmation pop up window will appear. 

Click on OK.

After entering the details, click on Save.

Note: If it is a new contact, then a New Prosp? check box will appear. Check that box and enter all the details. New Prosp is a new contact which is totally new to the system and is not coming from the existing system. To fill up the details for that follow the above steps wherein you fill all the mandatory fields.


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 Service Ticket

Service Ticket

by Mehek



Understanding Service Ticket System

An organization’s customer service software handles service tickets. This app sorts through customer requests as they come in. The app makes a ticket that contains information about what the customer wants and how they interact with the business.

AntMyERP offers a comprehensive Service CRM Suite that addresses every service aspect of your business.



Navigate to Settings > Service.

Under the Service Settings Preferences, Click all the Service Ticket related options.

Select them. 

Click on Update.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Press Ctrl+F and enter the word Service Ticket. Enable all the permissions related to the Service ticket.

Click on Save.


Logging a Service Ticket

Go to Quick add and click on Service Ticket

A New service ticket form will open

Under the Requester type, type the name of the customer who called.

Note: Selecting a customer will show a dropdown, Once you select it, all the devices in the main branch will be shown in the contract. 

Select coordinator and Assignee

Auto Assign: When you put an auto assign in the assignee type section, the GPS turns on for 3 minutes and finds the nearest engineer for assigning the task. Whichever engineer accepts the ticket, it goes into their bin. 

Fill in all the mandatory fields.

Select the problem and Priority matrix. Enter the Reporting Tags

Add any special instructions if needed.

Click Save.

Once saved, a service ticket number will be created. 


Open Service Ticket 

Navigate to the Left Menu > Service > Open Service

From the dropdown menu, select Total Service.

Click on the search icon and input the ticket number into the ticket number field, then click the search icon.

The relevant service ticket will be displayed.

Click on the specific ticket number.

Within the ticket details, locate the option to Add Comment and select Reopen.

Provide the name of the assignee and save the ticket.

The ticket will now be reopened.

You can see all the data related to the service ticket in the total service report.

This is where you can find data about tickets that are Open, Solved, or Closed.

Also, you can find the different reports that are related to service tickets under service > Reports.


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 General Task Management
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Lead Ticket

General Task Management

by Mehek



Understanding Task Management

A task is a general task that has been assigned by a member of the team. You can also create a task associated with a customer, a vendor, or logistics if you want to. 



Navigate to Settings > Task.

Under theTask settings,Look for the Task Ticket Assignee

You can add the assignee’s name here. 

Click on Update.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Task Permission to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Press Ctrl+F and enter the word Task. Enable all the permissions related to Task.

Click on Save.


Create a Task related to a Customer

Go to Quick add and click on Task

Select the name of the customer, branch, person, and the employee name will automatically appear. 

Enter all the mandatory information.

Click Save and Exit. 

Note: On saving it, a task number will be generated and the task will work as the assigned task. 


Create an Internal Task 

Go to Quick add and click on Task

Under the Requester type, Select the Internal Task

Type the name of the employee.

Under the Watchlist field, Enter the senior person’s name.

Note: The senior person can view the task status of the employee you are creating this Internal task for. 

Enter all the mandatory fields.

Click Save and Exit.

Note: The processes for the customer, Vendor, logistics, and Internal tasks are the same. 


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 All tasks at One place
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Service Ticket

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