Sales Order Management

by Mehek



Understanding Sales Order

A Sales order is a document created by the seller to define the product specifications and services ordered by the customer. It confirms and records the sale of goods and/or services ordered for the company. The process of booking a quotation and converting it into a contract is the same for all the categories of quotations. These categories of quotations include Sales, Rental, Unit, and MPS.



Navigate to Settings > Sales.

Check all the boxes under Sales Order Preference and Sales Order Form Builder tabs.

In case you are an approver, check the required boxes under the Sales Order Approval Preferences tab as well.

Click on Update.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Sales Order Permissions to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable the checkboxes Create Sales Order Ticket and Manage Sales Order Edit.

Click on Save.


Process of Sales Order

Creation of Quotation >> Conversion of Quotation to Contract >> Booking of Sales Order.

A quotation, once prepared, is sent to the Customer, who in turn will Accept or Reject it.

If rejected, then it comes under the category of Rejected Quotations. 

When a Sales, MPS, Rental or Unit Quotation for a company’s own equipment is booked,  it gets converted to a Sales Order.

Whereas when the quotation for Visit, AMC, ASP, and MPS is created and the equipment belonging to the client is booked, a Sales order will not be created. This will then be converted into a Contract with a resulting change in the process.


Creating a Sales Order by Changing the Status

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Sales Order

Scroll to the far right of the page and look for the Status field.

Click on Book. Click Yes on the pop-up.

If “Yes” is selected, the quotation will be moved to the quotation Accepted page. The quotations that are accepted and not contracted are shown on the Quotations Accepted page.

This will be converted into a contract in the following steps:

Scroll to the Action button on the far right of the page, or right click on the name and select Convert to Contract. 

All the particulars added to the proposal will be shown in the contract. Fill out the required details.

The create to order form will appear. 

Add the product and branch details where necessary. 

Click on Add.

The sales Contract Form is generated, which can be mailed to the customer when required.


Creating Sales Order from Scratch

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Sales Order.

Click on the plus button from the right hand side.

Fill in all the required fields and click on Save.


Order Register

An Order Register is a table that contains all booked Sales Orders. It shows the varying stages of all the sales orders after booking them. This assists the company in staying on track and moving forward in the sales process.

When a sales order register is accessed, it only shows the current month’s orders by default, unless another month’s orders are selected to be shown.

The path to the Order Register is : CRM Sales > Sales Order.

When the Sales Order is clicked, a drop down menu with all of the below mentioned options.


Sales Order 

This shows a list of all booked sales orders in their respective stages after booking. All the fields in the register will be pre-filled with all the particulars of the order.


Sales Order (Pending)

The order that needs to be executed after its booking.

The processing of a pending order is done in the following steps:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Sales Orders. 

Click on Sales Order and select Sales Order (Pending).

Fill in the Serial no./Qty field according to what is shown in the Is Without field.

Go to the checkbox near the No column and click on it.

Click on the down arrow key below the check box.

Click on Delete, if multiple orders need to be deleted at one time.

Click on Connect Challan if a challan needs to be connected to the order.

Click on the challan number connected to the order and click Save.

Click on Action if the order needs to be canceled. Then click yes.


Sales Order (Completed)

Now the order will be shifted from the Sales Order (Pending) tab to the Sales Order (Completed) category in the ERP. 


Sales Order (Drafted)

A Draft is created as a note of what is to be sent to the customer before it is actually recorded in the order. This is done in case there are multiple line items/product serial numbers for a single order. The method for creating a Draft order is:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Sales Orders.

Click on Sales Order > Sales Order (Pending).

Enter the Serial Number of the product.

Click Draft.

Go to Sales Order > Sales Order (Drafted) and click on Save.

A challan will be created for the order automatically, and the order will now be shown under Sales Order (Completed).


Pending Parts Order

This section contains all the orders related to request spare parts approved in the service ticket  that are still not approved.


Pending Toner Order

This section contains all the orders related to toner requests that are still not approved.It is applicable for MPS Request Toner tickets.


  •  If the button under Actionis clicked, then the deleted orders will be shown under Canceled orders. This is done in the event that the order is booked incorrectly for any reason.
  • The Delivery Due Date will be displayed by default as 24 hours from the date of booking the order, unless the user changes it by selecting a date from the calendar.
  • Once the serial number of the product is entered in the Is Without’ field, a challan is created automatically. The stock mentioned will be sent for delivery, and the order will be executed. 
  • If the customer makes the challan manually, then the Connect Challan button will be clicked to link the customer’s challan to the order.
  • Edit Order Features: The user can edit the sales order, by opening the Sales order and editing it by clicking on the pen icon on the extreme top right corner. They can edit the branch and product details there.


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 Contract Renewal

Contract Renewal

by Mehek



Understanding Contract Renewal

Contract Renewal is a pain area of most of the industries which deals with contractual services. This feature in AntMyERP tells you automatically when the warranty/ contract is going to end. Hence, considerable action can be taken before the business opportunity is lost.



Navigate to Settings > Sales.

Check the Auto Contract Renewal box under the Sales Preferences tab.

Enter the desired options under Notice Period and Notify Employee.

Click on Update.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Contract Renewal Permissions to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable all the Manage Contract Renew Register permission.

Click on Save.


Renewing a Contract

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Reports.

Select the Renew Contract report.

The contract which is getting terminated will start appearing 60 days in advance. Hence, you can take action well in advance.

Select the desired contract and scroll to the right. Click on Action > Renew. 

Enter the required details.

Click on Save.

Note: The contract will show under the Renew Expired if it is not renewed. In that case, no services can be provided.

However, if the customer contract is expired, we can follow up and renew the contract on customer’s confirmation.

TO RENEW : The contracts that are about to expire within the next 60 days are displayed under this tab.

RENEW EXPIRED : The contracts that are expired after 60 days of notice and not renewed are listed under this tab


Terminating a Contract

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Reports.

Select the Renew Contract report.

The contract which is getting terminated will start appearing 60 days in advance. Hence, you can take action well in advance.

Select the desired contract and scroll to the right. Click on Action > Terminate. 

Enter the required details.

Click on Save.


Note: After this, the contract goes to management for approval. The Management tries to convince the customer for contract renewal. Further action is taken after the rejection or approval of the same. 

In case any equipment is given on loan or standby to the customer whose contract is terminated, it will be listed under the Pick up list. 

The contract can be seen device wise and serial number wise. 

TERMINATION APPROVAL : After a contract has been terminated, it goes under this tab for management’s approval. The management follows up with the client in case they want to renew it. If the client wants to renew it, it goes for renewal.

TERMINATED : If the client, after the follow up from the management, disapproves for the renewal, the contract gets terminated. The terminated contracts are shown under this tab. The materials required to pick up from the client are shown under Operations> Inward Challan> Pickup Management.


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by Mehek



Understanding Contract

Any quotation that is approved by the client is called a contract. In simple terms, a contract is business that comes from the client.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Contract Renewal Permissions to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Enable all the Manage Contract and Manage Copy Contract permission.

Press Ctrl+F and search for all the permissions related to Proposal. Enable them as well.

Click on Save.


Converting to a Contract

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Quotations.

Scroll to the right hand side and locate the Book under the Status column. (Book means that the customer has confirmed the pricing that has been given to them). Click on Yes in the confirmation pop up box.

After booking, the quotation goes from the Pending to the Accepted dropdown.

Scroll to the right hand side of the desired quotation and click on Action> Convert to Contract.

In the Contract window, enter the Credit days, Contract Period From and Contract Period To. Enter the name of the Sales Person as well. These are the mandatory fields.

Enter the other non-mandatory fields, if required.

Click on Save.

Select Yes in the confirmation box that appears.

Once Yes is selected, a sales order form will open up which shows the details of the inventory. The desired product details and the sales person details are entered here.

Click on Save.


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Lead Management

by Mehek



Understanding Leads

A lead is a potential customer or prospect who has shown interest in a company’s products and services. These leads, if carefully followed up on, can convert into customers and influence others to become customers after receiving good service.

AntMyERP helps you keep a record of all these leads in a very comprehensive manner. Let’s dig a little deeper.



Navigate to Settings > Sales.

Check all the required boxes under the Lead Preferences tab.

Click on Update.



Navigate to Settings > User Roles.

Select the employee you want to give Leads Permissions to and scroll to the right.

Select Edit option from the Action dropdown menu.

Go to the Permissions tab.

Press Ctrl+F and enter the word Lead. Enable all the permissions related to the leads.

Click on Save.


Creating a Lead

Navigate to Left Menu > CRM Sales > Leads.

Click on the plus button from the right hand side.

In the Lead form, fill in all the required fields and click on Save.

Note: You can also create a lead through Quick Add.


Leads Followup

A salesperson handles the follow up on the lead/enquiry for the potential clients.


Lost Lead

A lead is called Lost  when the lead’s order is lost to a competitor or is not given to the company for any other reason. Below is the path to record a lost lead.

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the particular lead > Click Lost.

Select Reason of Lost from dropdown as applicable.

Select Sub-Reason from dropdown as applicable.

If Reason of Lost is selected as a Competitor, then enter the Competitor name.

The competitor should come from the client list in the dropdown.

Enter remarks against the loss.

Click Save.

Note: Once a Lead comes under the Lost Category, it cannot be changed. If the same lead comes back to the company for any reason, it needs to be added as a New lead.


Future Lead

A Future Lead is one who gives a timeline for when he might give the order in the near future. For example, the Lead will ask to be called back in two months, six months, etc.

The following are the steps to record Future Leads:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the particular lead. Click Future.

Select the Future Reason of call from the dropdown as applicable.

Write Remarks, if any.

Select the Future date when the Lead has requested a callback.

Click Save.


Disqualified Lead

If a lead is uncertain to be turned into an order or if a customer is not responding for any reason, it is categorized as a Disqualified Lead. 

The steps to disqualify a lead are as follows:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the particular lead. Click Disqualified

Select the Disqualified Reason of Call from the dropdown as applicable.

Click Save.


Qualified Lead

A Qualified Lead is one who has expressed interest and requested pricing/further information. 

The steps to qualify a lead are as follows:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the particular lead. Click Qualified.

Fill in the details in the fields provided.

In the dropdown for the Lead Type, select the option for which the Lead is showing interest.

Enter an existing client as a Referral from the dropdown, if applicable.

Select the option from the Lead Funnel to indicate how probable the Lead is.

Select if the Commission is applicable.

Click Save.


Qualifying a New Lead

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the Customer and select Qualify.

Click Add to Customer Database.

Add the relevant details to the Create Customer Page.

Click Save.


Order Expected

It means when a Lead’s order can be expected.

The steps to update the above are as follows:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Right click on the lead name and click Edit.

Click on Add Comments.

Select Order Expected.

Click Save.


Mass Updating Leads

Mass updating is done if an existing Assignee to multiple leads is unable to pursue it for some reason. Then the same leads are mass assigned to another employee of the company. This is done in the following steps:

Navigate to the left menu> CRM Sales > Leads.

Check the box near the companies to be followed up.

Click To Assign/Follow Up/Loss/Disqualified/Future.

Enter the Employee name if To Assign is selected.

Click Save.


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