FAQ on Terms and Condition


How to Add Terms and condition in AntMyERP?


Step 1: Accessing Templates Navigate to the “Settings” section in AntMyERP.

Step 2: Adding Terms and Conditions

2. Select “Templates” from the available options. Locate and click on “Terms and Conditions.”

Step 3: Selecting Document Type

4. Choose the appropriate document type to which you want to add terms and conditions. For example, select “Sales Proposal.”

Step 4: Creating Page

5. In the “Page Name” field, enter a name for your terms and conditions page. For instance, you can name it “Carepack Terms and Conditions.”

Step 5: Adding Content

6. Enter the terms and conditions content in the provided text area. Include all necessary details and information that you want to convey as terms and conditions.

Step 6: Saving Changes

8. After adding the content, click on the “Save” button to save your terms and conditions page.

Step 7: Applying Terms and Conditions

9. Now, when creating a sales proposal, you should see your newly added terms and conditions page (“Carepack Terms and Conditions”) in the dropdown list of available terms and conditions. You can select it and include it in your proposal.

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