FAQ on Preventive Maintenance


How can I view Preventive Maintenance tickets among the pending service tickets in AntMyERP?

Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by logging in using your credentials.

Navigate to the Service Module: Go to the Service module section.

Click on Open Service: Look for and click on the “Open Service” option.

Access the PM Tab: Inside the Open Service section, navigate to the PM tab. View Pending Preventive Maintenance Tickets: Here, you will be able to view the list of pending preventive maintenance tickets that have been logged.


How can I download upcoming preventive maintenance data from AntMyERP?

Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by logging in with your credentials.

Navigate to the Service Module: Proceed to the Service module section.

Access Reports: Look for and click on the “Reports” option.

Option 1: In the reports, select ‘Preventive Maintenance’ and then navigate to ‘Upcoming PM’ to review the future upcoming preventive maintenance schedule. To download click on download icon on top.

Option 2: In the reports, choose ‘Future PM Report’ and then access the ‘Time-Based PM’ section to view the upcoming preventive maintenance Schedule.”To download click on download icon on top.

These instructions should guide you on how teview upcoming preventive maintenance data in AntMyERP.

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