The user is unable to execute order in AntMyERP with error “Serial No. not in Stock or Not present on Contracted creator location or creator branch stock”. How this issue can be resolved?


The issue is that the stock for the specific Product model has not been added . That is why you are unable to execute the order.

To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

Verify whether the serial number or the quantity (in the case of products without serial numbers) for the Product Model is available in the AntMyERP Stock. Also, ensure that the stock branch and location for this product match those specified in the quotation for this sales order.


To perform the check, navigate to the Inventory module:

Go to “Reports.”
Navigate to “Location and use search” function and input the Product model number or serial number.Incase of without serial number product in group select without serial number and search with product model.

If you find that either the model number or serial number does not match, consider the following actions:

Delete the existing order.
Create a new quotation with the correct product model, stock branch, and location.
Execute the order once these details are correct and aligned.
This should address the issue you’re facing.


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