FAQ on User Dashboard


1. Where can I find the User Dashboard when I log into AntMyERP?

When you log into AntMyERP, the first screen you see is your own personalized User Dashboard. This dashboard is tailored to your specific role and permissions within the system. Based on the permissions assigned to you, your dashboard will display relevant information and modules that are most important for your work.

2. What is the meaning of “Open Tasks,” “Closed Tasks,” and “Solved Tasks” displayed on my Dashboard?

On your Dashboard, tasks are categorized based on their current status:

  • Open Tasks: These are tasks that are still active and need your attention. They haven’t been completed yet.
  • Solved Tasks: These tasks have been addressed or resolved but might still require some final confirmation or action before they are fully closed.
  • Closed Tasks: These are tasks that have been fully completed and no further action is required. They are marked as closed once everything is finalized.

This breakdown helps you quickly understand what tasks are pending, what’s been handled, and what’s completely done, allowing you to manage your workload efficiently.

3. What is the meaning of “Approval Pending” and “Approval Rejected”? How can I approve or reject a proposal?

  • Approval Pending: This status indicates that a proposal or request is waiting for your review and decision. It requires either approval or rejection of this Proposal from the Authorized Person.
  • Approval Rejected: This status means that the proposal or request has been reviewed and was not approved.

To take action, you can click on the “Approval Pending” icon on your dashboard. This will take you to the page where you can review the details of the proposal and choose to either approve or reject it. It is Applicable for All Transitions like PO, Order, Expenses Voucher, Spare part.

4. What is the meaning of “Today’s Follow-up” showing on my dashboard, and what happens when I click on the number?

Today’s Follow-up: This shows you the number of tasks or tickets that require your attention or action today. It’s a quick way to keep track of what you need to follow up on.

When you click on the number, you’ll see a detailed list of all the tasks or tickets that are due for follow-up. This helps you stay on top of your responsibilities and ensures that nothing important is missed.

5. What do the numbers displayed next to modules like Lead, Sales Order, Quotation, Purchase Order, etc., represent?

The numbers shown next to these modules indicate the count of pending tasks or items that require your attention within each module. Here’s what it means:

  • Lead: The number shows how many leads are currently open and need your follow-up or action.
  • Sales Order: This number reflects the pending sales orders that you need to process or manage.
  • Quotation: The number represents the quotations awaiting your review, approval, or further action.
  • Purchase Order: This number shows the purchase orders that are still pending and require your attention.

For example, if you see “Service – Open – 5,” it means there are 5 open service tickets assigned to you that need to be worked on.

When you click on any of these numbers, it will take you to the listing page for that specific module, where you can see all the tasks or items that need to be addressed.

This feature helps you stay organized by showing exactly what’s pending in each area, making it easier to prioritize your tasks.


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