FAQ – All tasks at One place 


1. Where can I find the Task Management section when I log into AntMyERP?

When you log into AntMyERP, the first screen you see is your own personalized User Dashboard. Right next to this, you’ll find the Task Management tab.

Under the Task Management tab, you can view a list of all the tickets or tasks that are assigned to you or have been closed by you. This section displays all types of tasks that you have worked on, allowing you to easily manage and track your responsibilities.

This feature helps you keep everything in one place, so you can quickly see what needs your attention and what has already been completed.


2. What functionalities are available in the Task Management section of AntMyERP?

The Task Management section in AntMyERP offers a variety of features to help you manage your tasks efficiently. Here’s what you can do:

  • Manage Column: Customize the columns in your task list to display the information that’s most relevant to you. This allows you to view your tasks in a way that suits your workflow.
  • Export: Easily export your task list for reporting or sharing purposes. You can download your tasks in a format that works for you, such as Excel or PDF.
  • Filter: Use the filter option to sort and find specific tasks quickly. This helps you focus on the tasks that matter most, whether they’re urgent, overdue, or assigned to a specific category.
  • Help, FAQ, and Videos: If you need assistance, you can access the Help section, FAQs, and tutorial videos related to Task Management. These resources provide step-by-step guidance and answers to common questions, making it easier for you to navigate and use this module effectively.


3. Is there a Mass Update facility in Task Management?

Yes, Task Management in AntMyERP offers a Mass Update facility. This feature allows you to update multiple tasks or tickets at once, saving you time and effort.


4. How do I use the Mass Update facility in Task Management?

Here’s how to use the Mass Update feature:

Select Tasks: In the Task Management section, choose the tasks or tickets you want to update by selecting them from the list.

Open Mass Update: Click on the Mass Update option. A form will appear with various fields that you can update.

Fill in Details: Enter the new information in the fields provided. This might include status updates, priority changes, or any other relevant details.

Apply Update: Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, click to apply the updates. All selected tasks will be updated simultaneously according to the changes you’ve made.

This feature works similarly to updating a single open service ticket but allows you to do it for multiple tasks at once, making it a great time-saver.

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