The product was added as a carepack, but it is not appearing when attempting to add a carepack. What could be the issue and how it can be rectified?
Log in to AntMyERP: Access your AntMyERP account by logging in with your credentials.
Check Admin Access: Ensure that you have admin, superadmin, or the necessary permissions to access the Settings.
Navigate to Settings: Once logged in, navigate to the Settings.
Access Masters: Within the Settings, locate and access the Masters section.
Select CRM Sales: From the available options, Select CRM Sales .
Choose the Product: Inside the CRM Sales, locate the Product.Search for and select the specific product.
Initiate Editing: Identify the action icon next to the chosen product and click on it. Select the “Edit” function.
Navigate to the ‘Product Type’ Field: Look for the ‘Product Type’ field and select ‘carepack’. Then, save your changes.
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